1 Town Records - Newtown, Queens Co., NY, Jenewari the 6-1695. Laid out four draueft Lo-- for Cap William Hallit and Samuel Hallit on the west side of Jamaca highway Joyning to it in Linth Sixt rods begining at Wiliam Creeds Land which new-town ga-- him so runes north the breth of the fouer Lots Sixty Rods Thease four Lots William Hallit sener, William Hellit, Samuel Hallet, John Buckhout.
2 Carl Boyer 3rd, editor, Ship Passenger Lists New York & New Jersey (1600-1825) (Newhall, CA: Carl Boyer, 1978), 130; Oct. 12, 1662. In De Pumerlander Kerck (The Pumerland Church), Captain Benjamin Barentsz. [among others] Jan Bocholte [Boeckholt], wife and five children, 13, 9, 8, 4, and 1 year old.
3 Probate Records, Will, Probated March 1694/5. of Jan Boeckhout, written Aug. 23, 1682 indicates his occupation as "weaver".
4 Berthold Fernow, Minutes of the Orphanmasters Court of New Amsterdam 1655 - 1663 (New York: Francis P. Harper, 1907), Executive Boards of the Burgomasters of New Amsterdam, p. 185. The Burgomasters also agreed with Jan Boeckhout, Gerrit Jansen from Arnhem and Jacob Keeren for making eighty eight gabions...
5 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. II) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849), List of the Estate of Newtowne, Sept. 1675, p. 466. (no first name) Buckhood; 1 male, 5 (VP Land & Meadow), 9 (2 yer oulds [likely horses]), 1 Cowes, 1 (3 yr oulds [likely cowes]), 1 (2 yr oulds [likely cowes]).
6 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. II) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849), Newtowne List of their Inhabitants Estates, 1683, p. 515. John buckhood; 1 (Head), 12 (Lands), 2 (Oxen), 2 (Cowes), 2 (3 yeares), 2 (2 yeares), 2 (1 yeare), 4 (Sheepe), 1 (Swine).
7 Town Records - Newtown, Queens Co., NY, Intered on Record the twenty forth day of September 1686 by order of the Justis of the Peece. Theophilus Phillips, Clerk" The list included the names of John and Peter Bookhood, indexed as "Buckhout.".
8 Parish Records - Lutheran Church - Leiden, Netherlands, Baptisms, 1649. Mattis, baptized: Jan. 10, 1649, father: Jan Boekholt, witnesses: Peter Boekhout and Tomas Hansen Clermont.
9 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1675. den 16 May Matthys Janszen, j. m. Van Leyden, en Lysbeth Elswaerts, j. d. Van N. Yorke, beyde wonende alhier. 9 Jun. (indicates Matthys was "from" Leyden, Holland and it was common practice that this represented a birthplace).
10 New York Journal, February 6, 1738.
11 Frank Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent - Dutchess Co., NY (Vol. II: 1993), The Bookout Family, ch. 77, p. 641.
12 Town Records - Newtown, Queens Co., NY, 1710-1753, p. 150. James Way conveys 3/4 of an acre in Newtown to Elizabeth Buckhout, wife of Peter Buckhout late deceased, on April 10, 1722.
13 Land Records, Hunterdon Co, NJ, Book A, dated Jan. 31, 1716/17, p. 16. Indenture #461, dated June 10, 1715 and recorded June 3, 1718, Garrett Cook, of Maidenhead, sells 170 acres to Richard Scudder, of Hopewell, land which is bounded by "Daniell Dean, Edward Hunt, John Reed and petter Buckhout...".
Edited by: Dixon Ryan Fox, Minutes of the Court of Sessions (1657-1696) - Westchester Co., NY (Westchester County Historial Society, White Plains, NY: 1924), p. 54 & 62. p. 54 - Court of Sessions for Westchester held June 5-7, 1688 - Matthias Buckhout was elected Constable for Weekersqueeke (note: Weckquaskeck was the name sometimes used for modern Dobbs Ferry and adjacent parts of Greenburgh)
p. 62 - Court of Sessions for Westchester held June 7 & 8th [likely 1692 as early chapter reference 2 pages previous is for Court held Dec. 1, 1691] - Matthias Buckhout was elected Constable for Upper Younkers.
15 Land Records, Westchester Co., NY, Land Deeds, Bk B, p. 115-116. Joseph Hadley & wife Hiittabel, conveyed total of 75 acres in Yonkers Plantation at George's Point, to Matthys Buckhout on Oct. 13, 1691; recorded July 4, 1692.
16 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1696. den 10 Oct. Matthys Boeckhout, wedr. van Lysbeth Elswaert en Magdalena Rutgers, wede van Joris Walgraff, beyde woonende tot N. Yorck. den 25 Oct.
17 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 123. Oct. 28, 1697, North Ward, Mathias Boeckhout house &c, value of land: £15, assessed: 2sh. 4d. 1/4q.r
18 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 241. July 28, 1698, North Ward, Mathias Boeckhout house &c, value of land: £15, assessed: £2 3sh. 3q.r
19 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 260. Mar. 7, 1698/9, North Ward, Mathias Boeckhout house &c, value of land: £15, assessed: 2sh. 7/8q.r
20 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 302. July 15, 1699, North Ward, Mathias Boockhout [sic] house &c, value of land: £10, assessed: 2sh. 4d.
21 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. I) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849), Part II, p. 618. City of New York, 1703 Census, Mattyz Boeckout, 1 male (16-60 yrs) and 1 female.
22 Minutes of Common Council of City of NY 1675-1776 (Dodd, Mead & Co., NY: 1905), vol. II, p. 238-239. On Sept. 29, 1703, Matthias Boeckhout, appointed Assessor for North Ward.
23 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book of Church Minutes, Member Register (1697 - 1778). shows entry # 115 Matys Boeckhout on June 18, 1717.
24 Probate Records, Will, written: Apr. 9, 1706, NY Surrogate Records, Libre viii, proved: Feb. 21, 1715/16. of father, Theophilus Elswaert (Ellsworth).
25 New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Vol. 64, 1933, p. 158-160. indicates Matthys and Elizabeth Elsworth's marriage on June 9, 1675.
26 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1675. den 16 May Matthys Janszen, j. m. Van Leyden, en Lysbeth Elswaerts, j. d. Van N. Yorke, beyde wonende alhier. 9 Jun.
27 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1675. den 16 May Matthys Janszen, j. m. Van Leyden, en Lysbeth Elswaerts, j. d. Van N. Yorke, beyde wonende alhier. 9 Jun. (indicates Lysbeth was from New York).
28 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1655. 10 Jan; Stoffel Elswaerts; Lysbeth; witness: Lysbeth Twillarts.
29 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1676. 25 May; Matthys Janszen, Lysbeth Stoffels; Annetie; Stoeffel ____ , Jan Pieterszen, Judith Stoffels (*Note: Theophilus Elsworth, Lysbeth's father, was sometimes called Christoffel Stoeffel).
30 Tom Applebee, Our Roots Go Deep - Family Stories (Cincinnatti, OH: Applebee Family Data, 2000).
31 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1695. den 2 Sept. Delivery Stantely, j.m., van Rhye, en Engeltje Boeckhout, j.d., van N. Yorck, beyde wonende alheir. Getrouwt den 2 Octob.
32 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1678. Mar. 11; Matthys Janszen, Lysbeth Matthys; Engeltje; witnesses: Clem & Elsje Elswaert.
33 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1678. 11 Mar; Matthys Janszen, Lysbeth Matthys; Engeltje; witnesses: Clem & Elsje Elswaert.
34 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1679. 3 Dec; Matthys Janszen Boeckout, Lysbeth Stoffels; Johannes; witnesses: Cornelis Janszen Van Hoorn, Anna Maria.
35 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1681. 2 Apr; Matthys Boeckhout, Lysbeth; Theophilus; witnesses: Joris Elsenwaert, Anna Maria.
36 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptism, 1681. 2 Apr; Matthys Boeckhout, Lysbeth; Theophilus; witnesses: Joris Elsenwaert, Anna Maria.
37 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, N3-299. In memory of Cap. John Buckhout, who departed this life April the 10th: 1785 Aged 103 years and left behind him when he died 240 Chiln. and Grand Children also Mary the wife of Johnm Buct. Died August 1755 Aged 73 years.
38 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptism, 1685. 20 Sept; Matthys Boeckholt, Lysbeth Elsenwaert; Abraham and Sara (twins); Stoffel Elsenwaert, Heyltie Pieters, Johannes Clopper, Aeltie [witnesses].
39 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1685. 20 Sept; Matthys Boeckholt, Lysbeth Elsenwaert; Abraham and Sara (twins); Stoffel Elsenwaert, Heyltie Pieters, Johannes Clopper, Aeltie [witnesses].
40 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1688. 1 Jun; Matthys Janszen Boeckholt, Lysbeth Elsenwaert; Brechtie; Herman Janszen, Johannes Elsenwaert, Anneken Elsenwaert.
41 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptism, 1688. 1 June; Matthys Janszen Boeckholt, Lysbeth Elsenwaert; Brechtie; Herman Janszen, witnesses: Johannes Elsenwaert, Anneken Elsenwaert.
42 New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Vol. 1, p. 40 & 84 also Vol. 5, p. 153. indicates Matthys and Magdalena Rudgers marriage on October 25, 1696 in New York.
43 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), p. 102. His [Matthys Janszen Buckhout] wife [Magdalena] died in November 1728 in New York.
44 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), p. 6. Magdalena Brookhoul (sic), wife of Mathuys Brookhoul, died November 30, 1728, buried December 2, 1728.
45 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1665. Nov. 4; Jochem Andrus, Emmetje Jans; Elias; witnesses: Andries Jochmeszen, Celitie Fredericks.
46 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1696. 26 Aug; Elias Andrieszen, Marritje Boeckhout; Andries, Pieter & Jannetje; Pieter & Aeltie Boeckholt, Johan Soevers & his wife, Jannetie, Tryntie Boeckholt.
47 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. II) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849), Newtowne List of their Inhabitants Estates, 1683, p. 515. peter Johnson buckhood; 2 (Heads), 25 (Lands), 2 (Horses), 4 (Cowes), 4 (1 yeare), 4 (Sheepe).
48 Town Records - Newtown, Queens Co., NY, Thes are the names of the purchars and free houlders of Newton & Aredraw up to be inserted in our pattin. Greit and Intered on Record the twenty forth day of September 1686 by order of the Justis of the Peece. Theophilus Phillips, Clerk" The list included the names of John and Peter Bookhood, indexed as "Buckhout.".
49 NY City Historical Records Survey, Transcriptions of Early Town Records of New York - Town Minutes of Newtown 1653-1734 (New York City, NY: Vol. 2, Part 1, Feb. 1941), p. 312. ...an agreement made betweene Peter Buckhout in habetent of Manhatens Island in ye County & province of New Yorke shoomaker of ye one parte & Jacobus Petterson of Long Island in Queenes County in ye province of New York of ye other part...
50 Minutes of Common Council of City of NY 1675-1776 (Dodd, Mead & Co., NY: 1905), vol. I, p. 367. Att a Common Council held att the Citty Hall of ye said Citty on Saturday the 29th of Sep'br 1694.. [among others] appointed Peter Boekhout, Out Ward, Surveyor of ye highways for y'e Bowery.
51 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 32. Dec. 1695, Bowery Ward, Peter Boeckhout, value of land: £20, assessed: 5d.
52 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 94. Aug. 28, 1696, Bowery Precinct, Peter Bookhout [Boeckhout], value of land: £20, assessed: 3sh. 1d 1/2qr.
53 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 229. Feb. 1, 1697, Bowry [sic] Division, Peter Buckhout [Boeckhout], value of land: £15, assessed: £2 3sh. 3/4qr.
54 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 270. Mar. 7, 1698/9, Bowry [sic] Division, Peter Boeckhout, value of land: £15, assessed: £2 3/8qr.
55 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society for the Year 1910 (New York, NY: 1911), vol. 43, "Tax Lists of the City of New York, December, 1695 - July 15th, 1699," p. 313. Mar. 7, 1698/9, Bowery Division, Peter Boeckhout, value of land: £0, assessed: 0.
56 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. I) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849), Part II, p. 624. City of New York, 1703 Census, Peter Bokho [manuscript torn], 1 male (16-60 yrs) and 1 female.
57 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1664. 16 May Pieter Roelofs, Wedr. Wonende tot N. Amersfoort, en Lysbeth Jans, j. d. Uyt Brasiel, Wonende tot N. Amsterd.
58 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Pieter & Lysbeth were married between 1679 (when her first husband, Pieter Roelofsen died) and August 1683 when their son Johannes was baptized at the above mentioned church.
59 James Riker, Harlem (City of New York): Its Origins and Early Annals (New York: 1881), p. 227.
60 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1664. 16 May Pieter Roelofs, Wedr. Wonende tot N. Amersfoort, en Lysbeth Jans, j. d. Uyt Brasiel, Wonende tot N. Amsterd. Implies likelihood that Lysbeth was born abt. 1644, so she would be 20 at her marriage.
61 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1699. Pieter & Engeltje indicated their intention to marry on Nov. 3rd, thus Lysbeth had to have died prior to this date.
62 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1683. 18 Aug. Pieter Janszen Boechout, Lysbeth Papen; Johannes, witnesses: Pieter de Lanoy, Styntie Wessels.
63 Frank Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent - Dutchess Co., NY (Vol. II: 1993), The Bookout Family, ch. 77, p. 641. John was baptised on Aug. 18, 1683 in Bushwyck.
64 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), 1699, Marriages. den 3 Nov., Pieter Janszen Boeckolt, wedr v. Lysbeth Pater, Elsje Jeuriaens, wede v. Thomas Verdon, beyde woonende alhier den 21 Nov.
65 New York City Marriages - 1600 - 1800, selected extract from NY Genealogical & Biographical Record (quarterly), 1925, p. 78. indicates couple were married at Elmhurst (formerly Newtown) in Queens in 1712.
66 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), p. 102. Peter Janszen Buckhout married Elizabeth widow of Francis Way Dec. 23, 1712.
67 Parish Records - Presbyterian Church - Newtown, Queens, NY, Marriages, p. 31. 1712 Peter Buckhout & Elizabeth Way (the entry previous indicates a date of Dec. 23rd and the subsequent shows May 5, 1713).
68 James Riker, Jr, The Annals of Newtown (New York, NY: D. Fanshaw, 1852), p. 378, The Way Family. Francis had issue James, John, Elizabeth, m. Benj. Cornish; and Diana. After his death his widow, Elizabeth, m. Peter Buckhout in 1713.
69 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), p. 102. Peter Janszen Buckhout married Elizabeth widow of Francis Way Dec. 23, 1712. She died his widow in October 1729.
70 Parish Records - Presbyterian Church - Newtown, Queens, NY, Deaths, p. 365. 1729 Elizabeth Buckhout Widow Octob.
71 Parish Records - Presbyterian Church - Newtown, Queens, NY, Marriages, p. 31. 1712 Peter Buckhout & Elizabeth Way (the entry previous indicates a date of Dec. 23rd and the subsequent shows May 5, 1713). Peter could not have been born prior to their marriage.
72 Parish Records - Presbyterian Church - Newtown, Queens, NY, 1729 Jan. 5th Peter Buckhout baptized on Johannis Culvor’s Acct Promising to do the Part of a Christian Parent to him.
73 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), p. 178. Peter Bookhoud [sic], Grave, died November 14, 1786, buried November 15, 1786.
74 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), p. 178. Peter Bookhoud (sic), Grave, died November 14, 1786, buried November 15, 1786.
75 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1695. den 14 Aug. Abraham Siboutszen, j.m., van de Armebouwerye, en Anneken Boeckhout, j.d., van N. Yorck, beyde woonende op 't landt Fredr. Philipszen. Vertoog verleent om te trouwen.
76 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptism, 1697. 21 Mar; Abraham Tiboutse, Anna Boekhout; Elisabeth; Matthys Boekhout, Heyltje Carter [witnesses].
77 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book of Church Minutes, Member Register (1697 - 1778). shows entry # 117 Deleverins Cankely, and # 118 Engeltie, his wife on Aug. 21, 1717.
78 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book of Church Minutes, Member Register (1697 - 1778). shows entry # 117 Deliverins Cankely and # 118 Engeltie, his wife on Aug. 21, 1717.
79 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptism, 1696. 28 Oct; Deliverance Canckten, Engeltje Boeckhout; Helena; Matthys Boeckhout & his wife, Magdalena Rutgers.
80 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. Entry #168. Leverens Kankele, Engeltie his wife, Elisabeth, witnesses: Jan Boekhouwt, Elisabeth Gardenier.
81 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, indicate Aug. 1755 as time of death for Marytie, but Jan remarried Deborah Wilsze in Sept. 1753, which would place her death somewhat earlier.
82 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. entry # 127 Mar. 20, 1736 Mattheus Boeckhout, j.m.b. in Philipsburgh, and Elyzabeth Marthin, j.d.b. in Nuw Reesell, both living in Philipsburgh.
83 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 265 March 24, 1713 Jan Boekhouwt, Marytje his wife, Jannitje, witnesses: Lourens Bankert, Niesje, his wife.
84 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry #136 Sept 30, 1738 - Willem Juel, j.m. and Eliezabeth Boeckhout, j.d. - both born and living in Philipsburgh.
85 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot K7-1400. In Memory of Elizabeth the wife of William Jewel who departed this life October the first 1790 Aged 76 years.
86 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 126 Abraham Juel, j.m., and Zara Boeckhout, j.d. - both. born and living in Philipsburgh on Nov. 1, 1735.
87 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 316 April 18, 1716 Jan Boeckhout, Marytie his wife, Zara, witnesses: Jacob Bancke, Marryetie Ecker.
88 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 357 April 22, 1718 Jan Boeckhout, Maria his wife, Marytie, witnesses: Fredreck Bancken, Maria Storm.
89 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 440 April 24, 1722 Jan Boeckhoud, Marytie his wife, Maria, witnesses: Delefferins Canclie, Zeffya Canclie. This is baptism of the second "Maria" born to Jan & Marytie (Bankert) Buckhout.
90 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 373 April 21, 1719 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, Jan, witnesses: Jan Canckly, Catharina Cankly.
91 Thomas N. Bookhout Family Tree.
92 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 228 Sept. 9, 1749 - Jacob Bockhout, j.m., and Maratye Ecker, j.d., both born and living in Phillipsburgh.
93 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 409 Nov. 1, 1720 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, Jacob, witnesses: Jacob Bancke, Antie Van Texel [Tassel likely].
94 Revolutionary War - DAR Patriot, Buckhout, Jacob. is listed in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) index with wife Maritie Acker. He died 5 Sep 1787.
95 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 440 April 24, 1722 Jan Boeckhoud, Marytie his wife, Maria, witnesses: Delefferins Canclie, Zeffya Canclie.
96 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 189 Mar. 16, 1745 - Petrus Boechout, j.m., b. in Philips Burgh, and Aeltie Kupper, j.d., b. in Haverstroo, both living here [Philipsburgh].
97 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 481 Aug. 27, 1723 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, Petrus, witnesses: Pieter Buys, Geertie his wife.
98 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #25. Peter (Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburgh 1723 (bp. Aug. 27), married Mar. 16, 1745 Aeltje (dau. of Claes) Cuyper, resided in Philipsburgh, died before 1774.
99 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 508 April 10, 1725 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, Abram, witnesses: Jan Van Weert, Maritie his wife.
100 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. entry # 326 Sept. 5, 1759 Jacobus Davids, j.m. and Catrina Van Waert, widow of Abraham Bockhout, both b. & l. in Philipsburgh.
101 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I., p. 104. #26. Abraham (Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburgh (bp. Apr. 10, 1725) married Feb. 4, 1750 Catharina (dau. of William) Van Wert. He died in Ulster County in 1758.
102 Gustave Anjou, Ulster County, N.Y. Probate Records - Vol. II (1906), p. 159. Buckinhout, Abraham, Ulster Co., intestate. Adm. granted July 29, 1758 to wife Catharine.
103 Probate Records, Letters of Admin., NY Co., NY, lilbre 2.5, p. 209. Granted to Catharine Buckhout, Phillipsburgh Manor, Westchester Co., July 29, 1758, widow & relict of deceased Abraham Buckhout.
104 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 554 April 2, 1726 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, Breghje, witnesses: Adolf Bancken, Maritie his wife.
105 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 198 Sept. 21, 1746 Stevanis Ecker, j.m., and Breghye Boeckhout, j.d. both born and living in Philipsburgh.
106 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 254 Feb. 15, 1752 - Wolfert Ecker, j.m. and Engeltie Bockhout, j.d. both born and living in Philipsburgh.
107 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 594 Aug. 19, 1727 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, Engeltie, witnesses: Delefferins Canckely, Engeltie his wife.
108 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society - 1896 (vol. 29, 1897), Letters of Admin., NY City, p. 433. intestate, Aneltie Acker, Westchester, Admin. granted to Brother, Mathias Buckhout, May 25, 1757.
109 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 19, p. 30-31. Wolfert Acker, written July 3, 1746 and proved Apr. 4, 1754.
110 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. entry # 303 Nov. 20, 1756 Abraham Van Waert, j.m. and Engeltie Bockhout, widow of Wolfert Ecker, both b. & l. in Philipsburgh.
111 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 266 Sept. 3, 1753 - Jan Van Waert, j.m., and Altie Bockhout j.d. both born and living in Philipsburgh.
112 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 674 April 11, 1730 Jan Boechout, Maritie his wife, Aaltie, witnesses: De Lefferins Canckely, Aaltie his wife.
113 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 276 Sept. 29, 1754 - Isaac Bockhout, j.m., and Maragritie Ecker j.d. both born and living in Philipsburgh.
114 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 712 June 19, 1731 Jan Boechout, Maritie his wife, Isaac, witnesses: Hendreck Bancken, Maritie his wife.
115 Probate Records, NY County, NY, Libre 25, p. 258. will of Isaac Boockhout, proved Oct. 10, 1765, written May 3, 1764.
116 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 778 Apr. 17, 1733 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, Aantie, witnesses: Abraham Canckely, Eliezabet Canckely.
117 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 839 April 1, 1735 Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife, David, witnesses: Steven Ecker, Engeltie his wife.
118 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #32. David bp. 1735 d.y. son of Jan Buckhout & Mary Bankert.
119 Richard Denike Family Tree, provided Deborah's maiden name in an email outlining his Buckhout lineage dated Jan. 4, 2000.
120 Gideon J. Tucker, Secretary of State, Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York - Previous to 1784 (Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1860), p. 38. 1753 Sept. 6 Bookhout, John and Deborah Lawrence, Record: Marriage Bonds, Vol. I, p. 108 (date of license).
121 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages, 1753, by License. Sept. 6; Jan Boekhout & Debora Laurence, Wed; 7 Sept. (date of marriage).
122 Parish Records - Presbyterian Church - Newtown, Queens, NY, Marriages, p. 31. 1712 Johannis Buckhout of Bushwick & Esther Fine (sometime between May 17 and Dec. 23rd as it is listed between those dates).
123 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. III) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1850), p. 184. Kings Co. Militia, 1715, [Company] VI. Ffrance Titus Captt; Johannis Bookhoutt [private].
124 Town Records - Newtown, Queens Co., NY, 1710-1753, p. 50. John Hunt conveys a tract of land, approximately 3 to 4 acres, in Newtown to Johannes Buckhout, Blacksmith, of Bushwyck on October 21, 1719.
125 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. IV) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1851), 1738 Census, King Co., Bushwyck Twp, p. 200. Johannis boechout; 3 white males > 10 yrs, 5 white females > 10 yrs, 1 white female < 10 yrs, 1 black male > 10 yrs.
126 Carol M. Meyers, Early New York State Census Records 1663 - 1772 (Gardena, CA: RAM Publishers, 1965), p. 44-45. 1738 List of all Inhabitants of Township of Bushwyck, Kings Co., NY.
127 Andrew J. Provost, Early Settlers of Bushwyck, Long Island, New York and their Descendants (1949-63), p. 118. The records we have of him [Nicholas Folkerts] include citations that he was a voter in Bushwick in 1740, and that on Jan. 3, 1739/40 he and Johannes Bockhout, Trustees of the township, were authorized by the justices, inhabitants and freeholders to sell certain of the town’s commons. (Records of the Town of Boswyck). This assignment was evidently considered an important trust, because the signatures of the fifteen men who approved the authorization were appended thereto.
128 Dewitt Van Buren, Manuscript Records of the Town of Bushwyck, Kings Co., NY, p. 23. Town Meeting held Oct. 9, 1741 - Johannes Bockhout (sic) is referenced as a Trustee & Townsman for Bushwyck appointed with others to "settle the bounds between Newtown and Bushwick".
129 Land Records, Original Deeds, Town of Fishkill, Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, Libre B, p. 187.
130 Assessment Records, Tax-Payers List, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY. Where both a John Bookhout and John Bookhout Jr. are listed for the years 1745 - 1748.
131 IGI - Patron Sheets.
132 E.B. O'Callagahan, M.D, The Documentary History of the State of New York (Vol. II) (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849), 1738 Census, King Co., Bushwyck Twp.
133 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), p. 103. provides list of children for Johnanes & Esther (Fine) Buckhout as follows: John, Peter, Susanna, Engeltje & Esther.
134 Frank Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent - Dutchess Co., NY (Vol. II: 1993), The Bookout Family, ch. 77, p. 642.
135 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. Johannis Bockhout, will written Aug. 20, 1770 and probated Feb. 11, 1771, indicates he died soon after making is will in Aug 1770.
136 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), p. 103. provides list of children for Johnanes & Esther (Fine) Buckhout as follows: John, Peter, Susanna, Engeltje & Esther.
137 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #34. Peter (John, Peter, Jan) b. Bushwyck probably about 1715.
138 Assessment Records, Tax-Payers List, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY. in 1770 there is the following citation: "Bookhout, Estate of Peter; 1770".
139 Ebenezer Prime, Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779 (Moses L. Scudder; Huntington, NY 1899), p. 71. at Huntington, 1737 May 25; Peter Buckhourt, of Bushwyck, and Tabitha Chichester, of Huntington.
140 Minutes of Common Council of City of NY 1675-1776 (Dodd, Mead & Co., NY: 1905), vol. VI, p. 263-264. At a Common Council held at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday, the 29th day of Sept'br (being the feast of St. Michael the Arch Angel) Anno: Dom. 1761. The respective Aldermen of each Respective Ward made Return this day in the office of the Town Clerk.. [among others] South Ward: Peter Bookhout, Constable.
141 Thomas B. Wilson, Inhabitants of New York 1774 - 1776, p. 61. Peter Buckhouse/Buckhout, residing NY County, on Water St., occupation Taylor. He appeared in the New York City Militia on April 25, 1775 as one of 405 inhabitants of the City & County of NY who acknowledged having received a musket and accoutrements from the Corp. of said City & who promised to return the same on demand. Then in a second list of 498 militiamen who in July & August 1775 returned the muskets which had been given to them in April 1775.
142 Gideon J. Tucker, Secretary of State, Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York - Previous to 1784 (Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1860), p. 54. 1737 May 21 Buckhout, Peter and Tabitha Chilister [sic], Marriage by Banns, Vol. L, p. 6.
143 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages by License, 1744. 12 Maart [March]; Pieter Buckhout & Sarah Gardenier, van Westchester; 12. This is Pieter's second marriage so Tabitha has to be deceased by this time.
144 Probate Records, New York Co., NY Wills, p. 58-60. James Chichester, will written Jan. 10, 1769 and proved Jan. 7, 1774, mentions and leaves legacies to grandson Peter Buckhout.
145 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages by License, 1744. 12 Maart [March]; Pieter Buckhout & Sarah Gardenier, van Westchester; 12. Peter was born to Peter & Tabitha (Chichester) Buckhout who were married in 1737. Thus, he was born between the two marriages (i.e. 1737 and 1743/4).
146 Ebenezer Prime, Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779 (Moses L. Scudder; Huntington, NY 1899), 1741 Aug 23 Peter Buckhourt. Column heading "Males Baptised by E.P." This is in reference to records kept by the Rev. Ebenezer Prime.
147 Gertrude A. Barber, Abstracts of Wills of Delaware County, NY 1796 - 1833 (vol. 1-6, 1940-41), vol. 1, p. 20-21. references p. 127 Peter Buckhout of Walton, will dated: July 14, 1820, probated: Aug. 29, 1820, wife Susannah and daus. Betsey Keeler & Abigail Wood.
148 Frank Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent - Dutchess Co., NY (Vol. II: 1993), The Bookout Family, ch. 77, p. 641. indicate "Sara Gardner".
149 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Marriages by License, 1744. 12 Maart [March]; Pieter Buckhout & Sarah Gardenier, van Westchester; 12.
150 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 368 Apr. 21, 1719 Jacob Gardenier, Zara his wifet, Zara, witnesses: Haremanis Gardenier, Zara Gardenier.
151 Arthur C.M. Kelly, editor, Baptism Record of the Tappan Reformed Church, Tappan, Rockland County, NY 1694-1899 (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Books, Jan. 6, 1998), p. 74. #1533, Jacob, b. Jan. 14, bap. Apr. 2, 1749, son of Pieter Boeckhouyt & Sara Gardenier, sponsors: Abraham Ryke, & wife Elisabeth.
152 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1752. Feb 19; Pieter Boekholt, Sara Gardenier; Johannes; Petrus Boekholt, Hester Boekholt, j.d.
153 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #71. John (son of Peter & Sara (Gardenier) Buckhout) bp. 1752 d.y.
154 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1755. Dec. 25; Pieter Boekhout, Sara Gardenier; Sara, geboren den 8 Decemb; witnesses: Cornelis Terp, Applonia nit den Boogart, z.h.v.
155 Ebenezer Prime, Records of the First Church in Huntington, Long Island, 1723-1779 (Moses L. Scudder; Huntington, NY 1899), p. 106. Married at Huntington, July 3, 1774, Danvers Osborne & Sarah Buckhout, of New York (abode prior to marriage).
156 Probate Records, Letters of Admin., NY Co., NY, lilbre 2, p. 394. Granted December 12, 1785 to John Buckhout, of New Marlborough Precinct, Ulster Co., Cooper, brother in law of deceased, Danvers Osborn, private, Colonel Hammonds Regiment.
157 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1760. June 29; Pieter Boekhout, Sara Gardenier; Johannes, witnesses: Gerrit van Weert, Marytje Gardenier, z.h.v.
158 Probate Records, New Paltz, Ulster Co., NY, vol. G, p. 181, Probate Packet Box 4. John Buckhout's will, written Jan. 24, 1828 & proved April 7, 1828.
159 Marriage & Death Notices from Kingston, N.Y. Newspapers 1820-1830, p. 30. "Ulster Sentinel," Feb. 27, 1828: In New Paltz, John Buckhout, aged 70 yrs.
160 Arthur C.M. Kelly, editor, Baptism Record of the Tappan Reformed Church, Tappan, Rockland County, NY 1694-1899 (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Books, Jan. 6, 1998), p. 43. #892, Leena, b. June 4, baptised October 10, 1736, dau. of Steeve Ecker & Engeltye Cankelen, sponsors: Lyvirence Cankelen, & wife, Aeltye (sic).
161 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, Baptisms. Reference ID: 1035, Lea, born June 15, 1741 bapt. Sept. 12, 1741. Parents: Stevanis Ecker; Engeltie his wife. Sponsors: Jacob Boeckhout; Maritie Boeckhout.
162 Assessment Records, Middle Ward, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 138. 1737; Bockhout, Mathewes, Land Value £3; Taxed 4s, 2d.
163 Assessment Records, Middle Ward, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 160. Feb. 1737/38; Bockhout, Mathewes, Land Value £5 [no taxed amounts provided].
164 Assessment Records, Poughkeepsie Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 178. Feb 1738/9; Bockhouit, Matheuis, Land Value £6.
165 Assessment Records, Poughkeepsie Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 220. Feb 1740/1; Bockhoudt, Mathys, Land Value £8; Taxed 1s, 4d.
166 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #17 Matthys (Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburg about 1711, married Mar. 20, 1736 Elizabeth (dau. of John) Martine.
167 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #38. John (son of Matthys & Elizabeth (Martine) Buckhout) b. 1736 died young.
168 Arthur C.M. Kelly, editor, Baptism Record of the Tappan Reformed Church, Tappan, Rockland County, NY 1694-1899 (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Books, Jan. 6, 1998), p. 43. #893, Jan., b. Aug. 31, bap. October 10, 1736, son of Matthys Boeckhouyt & Elisabedt Herdtyu, sponsors: Jan Mertyn, & wife, Effye.
169 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - Tappan, NY, Baptisms. Reference ID: 1041, Evje, born Sep 3, 1739 bapt. Oct 10, 1739. Parents: Matheis Boeckhout, Elisabeth Marteyn. Sponsors: Jan Martin & his wife Evje.
170 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1026 June 6, 1741 Mattheus Boeckhout, Eliezabeth his wife, Jan, witnesses: Jan Boeckhout, Maritie his wife.
171 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society - 1891 (vol. 24, 1892), Muster Rolls of New York Provincial Troops 1755 - 1764, p. 106. John Bokhout, enlisted: April 19, 1758, age: 17 yrs, born: Courtland Manor, trade: labourer, Militia Company: Capt. Jas. Tallier, under Capt. John Verplank's Company.
172 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, Baptisms. Reference ID: 1086, Mattheus, bapt. Apr 30, 1743. Parents: Mattys Boeckhout; Eliezabeth his wife. Sponsors: Mattheus Canckelie; Feytie his wife.
173 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, Baptisms. Reference ID: 1185. Maria, bapt. Apr. 19, 1746. Parents: Matys Bockhout. Sponsors: Jacob Boeckhout, Bregye Bockhout.
174 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1274 Aug. 24, 1748 Mathys Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Abrahm, witnesses: Abraham Bockhout, Hanatye Bockhout.
175 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104.
176 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1380 Oct. 8, 1751 Matys Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Hanatye, Witnesses: Jeremyas Martyn, Hanatye Martyn.
177 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1563 Nov. 5, 1756 Mathys Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Daniel, b. Jan. 14, witnesses: Daniel Martyn, Debora Martyn.
178 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #45. Daniel (son of Matthys & Elizabeth (Martine) Buckhout) resided in Yorktown, died Sept. 5, 1818.
179 Arthur C.M. Kelly, editor, Baptism Record of the Tappan Reformed Church, Tappan, Rockland County, NY 1694-1899 (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Books, Jan. 6, 1998), p. 46. #948, Jannetye, b. Nov. 13, bap. Nov. 20, 1737, dau. of Myndert Hogenkamp & Jannetye Bockhouyt, sponsors: Martynis Hogenkamp & Jannetye Hogenkamp.
180 Arthur C.M. Kelly, editor, Baptism Record of the Tappan Reformed Church, Tappan, Rockland County, NY 1694-1899 (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Books, Jan. 6, 1998), p. 51. #1055, Jan, b. Nov. 23, bap. Dec. 2, 1739, son of Myndert Hogenkamp & Jannetye Boeckhouyt, sponsors: Jan Boeckhouyt, & wife Marytye.
181 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 266 Mar 24, 1713 Willem, parents: Joris Juwel, Metje his wife, Witnesses: Louwrens Bankert, Neesje his wife.
182 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1287 Oct 25, 1748 Willim Juell, zyn kindt gedoopt, Willim, Witnesses: Pieter Bockhout, Aeltye Bockhout.
183 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1404 June 20, 1752 Wilyum Juell, zyn kind gedoopt, Isaac, witnesses: Isaac Bockhout, Anni Bockhout.
184 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1503 June 17, 1755 William Juell, zyn kind gedoopt, Abraham, b. April 4, witnesses: Petrus Banker, Elisabet Bockhout.
185 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1534 April 21, 1756 William Juell, zyn kind gedoopt, Elisabet, witnesses: Jacob Van Waert, Engeltie Bockhout.
186 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. entry # 1768 June 21, 1762 William Juwell, Elisabeth, his wife, Debora, Barent Delamater, Debora Bockhout.
187 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 970 April 10, 1739 Abraham Juel, Zara his wife, Isaack, witnesses: Jan Boeckhout, Marietie his wife.
188 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1315 Aug. 30, 1749 Abraham Juell, zyn kindt gedoopt, Anni, Witnesses: Isaac Bockhout, Anni Bockhout.
189 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1441 Sept. 3, 1753 Abraham Juell, zyn kind gedoopt, Sara, witnesses: Piter Bockhout and his wife.
190 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1668 Abrahan Juwell, zyn kind gedoopt, Ezegeel, witnesses: Isaac Bockhout, Metye Juwell.
191 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book of Church Minutes, Member Register (1697 - 1778). shows entry # 372 Jacob Boeckhout, and # 373 Marytie Ecker, his wife, on June 25, 1771.
192 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #23. Jacob (Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburgh (bp. Nov. 1, 1720) married Sept. 9, 1749 Maritie (dau. of Stephen) Ecker, resided in Philipsburgh.
193 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1337 Apr. 17, 1750 Jacob Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Marytye, witnesses: Jan Bockhout and his wife.
194 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1430 April 4, 1753 Jacob Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Jan, b. Dec. 18, 1752, witnesses: Jan Bockhout, Aeltye Bockhout.
195 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1508 Sept. 9, 1755 Jacob Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Engeltie, b. Aug. 31, witnesses: Jacob Van Waert, Engeltie Ecker.
196 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot #Q4-28. In memory of Buckhout, Jacob died March 31, 1812 aged 53 yrs, 6 mos., 26 days.
197 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot F5-1104. John J. Buckhout died May 23, 1831 aged 69 yrs, 4 mos. and 7 days, placing his birth on Jan. 16, 1672.
198 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1820 May 8, 1764 Jacob Bockhout, Mareitie his wife, Jan, witnesses: Jan Van Wert, Anatie Ecker.
199 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot #F5-1104. In memory of John J. Buckhout who departed this life May 23, 1831 aged 69 years, 4 months & 7 days.
200 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot F5-1104.
201 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1925 Oct. 28, 1766 Jacob Boekhout, Martie his wife, Leia, b. Sept. 1, witnesses: Hannes Hogenkamp, Anatie his wife.
202 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2284 June 23, 1776 (likely yr - but not clear) Jacob Boekhout, Marritie his wife, Marritie, b. June 7, witnesses: Martynes Van Wart, Ragel his wife.
203 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. entry # 210 Sept. 3, 1747 Jacob Van Waert, j.m. and Maritye Bockhout, both b. & l. in Philipsburgh.
204 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1287 October 25, 1748 Jacob Van Waert, zyn kind gedoopt, Marytye, witnesses: Jan Boeckhout and his wife.
205 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1466 August 19, 1754 Jacob Van Waert, zyn kind gedoopt, Jan, witnesses: Jan Bockhout and his wife.
206 Richard Denike Family Tree, indicates Aeltje's birth date as Sept. 8, 1722.
207 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifith Book, Marriages. shows entry # 189 Mar. 16, 1745 - Petrus Boechout, j.m., b. in Philips Burgh, and Aeltie Kupper, j.d., b. in Haverstroo, both living here [Philipsburgh].
208 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #53. John (son of Peter & Aeltje (Cuyper) Buckhout) b. Jan. 26, 1746 mar. Jane Garrison.
209 Arthur C.M. Kelly, editor, Baptism Record of the Tappan Reformed Church, Tappan, Rockland County, NY 1694-1899 (Rhinebeck, NY: Kinship Books, Jan. 6, 1998), p. 67. #1402, Jan, b. Jan. 19, bap. Mar. 2, 1746, son of Pieter Boeckhouyt & Aeltye Cuyper, sponsors: Jan Boeackhouyt & wife Marytye.
210 Richard Denike Family Tree.
211 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot # J7-1408.
212 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1216 Nov. 15, 1746 Pieter Bockhout, een kind gedoopt, Eliesabet, b. Oct. 21, witnesses: Jacob Bockhout, Martyie Bockhout.
213 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 233 Feb. 24, 1749/50 - Abraham Bockhout, j.m., and Catrina Van Waert, j.d. both living in Philipsburgh.
214 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I., p. 104. #26. Abraham (Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburgh (bp. Apr. 10, 1725) married Feb. 4, 1750 Catharina (dau. of William) Van Wert.
215 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I., p. 104. #56. William (son of Abraham & Catharina (Van Wert) Buckhout) d. 1786-7.
216 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society - 1905 (vol. 38, 1906), NY City Wills, Letters of Admin., p. 350. intestate: William Buckhout, private in Col. Van Cortlandt's Regiment, administration granted to: Brother-in-law, William Devoe, Phillips Manor, yeoman, April 12, 1787.
217 Probate Records, Letters of Admin., NY Co., NY, libre 3, p. 64. Granted to William Devoe, Phillips Manor, Yeoman, April 12, 1787, brother-in-law of deceased William Buckhout, private in Col. Van Cortlandt's Regiment.
218 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I., p. 104. #57. Mary (dau. of Abraham & Catharina (Van Wert) Buckhout) mar. William Devoe.
219 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1755. July 2: Jan Van Weert, Aaltje Boeckhout; Jan, witnesses: Jan Boekhout, Debora Wilse, z.h.v.
220 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1759. May 9; Jan Van Weert, Alida Boekhout; Jakob, witnesses: Jakob Verveele, Sara Nagel, z.h.v.
221 Probate Records, NY County, NY, Libre 25, p. 258. Mary is mentioned as Isaac's will as his daughter by his first wife.
222 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #58. Maritie (dau. of Isaac & Margaret (Ecker) Buckhout) bp. 1755.
223 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1501 Isaac Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Maritie, witnesses: Jacob Van Waert and his wife.
224 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1566 Nov. 5, 1756 Isaac Bockhout, zyn kind gedoopt, Leya, witnesses: John Coks, Leya Van Tessel.
225 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #58. Lea (dau. of Isaac & Margaret (Ecker) Buckhout) bp. 1757.
226 Probate Records, NY County, NY, Libre 25, p. 258. Antie is recorded in Isaac's will as his wife at the time of his death.
227 Probate Records, NY County, NY, Libre 25, p. 258. John is mentioned in Isaac's will as one of two children by his current wife, Antie.
228 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 26. Peter Canon, b. April 14, 1792, bap. June 24, 1792 John T. Buckhout & Elizabeth Van Wart (includes reference to John's middle inital "T").
229 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #60. John (son of Isaac & Antje Buckhout) b. Philipsburgh 1760 (bp. Sept. 13) mar. Elizabeth (dau. of Martin) Van Wert, resided in Greenburgh, died 1822.
230 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1700 Sept. 13, 1760 Isaac Bockhout, no name, Jan, Jan Bockhout, Debora his wife.
231 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #60. John (Isaac, Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburgh 1760 (bp. Sept. 13) married Elizabeth (dau. of Martin) Van Wert, resided in Greenburgh, died 1822.
232 Probate Records, NY County, NY, Libre 25, p. 258. Rachel is mentioned as one of two children belonging to Isaac and his wife Antie.
233 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #62. Rachel (dau. of Isaac & Antje Buckhout) bp. 1762.
234 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1777 Sept. 7, 1762 Isaac Bockhout, no name, Rachel, witnesses: Jan Coks, Rachel his wife.
235 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. entry # 288 July 6, 1755 Conraet Saddoor, j.m.b. in Hooghduytsland [Germany] and Antie Bockhout, b. in Philipsburgh, both living here.
236 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. Entry #1522: October 22, 1755 Coenraet Sadoor, zyn kind gedoopt, Issac, Isaac Bockhout and his wife.
237 Assessment Records, Tax-Payers List, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY. as published by Dutchess County Historical Society.
238 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," written 20 Aug. 1770 and proved Feb. 11, 1771.
239 Land Records, Dutchess Co., NY, vol. 4, p. 209-211. John Bookhout Junr of Rumbouts Precinct in Dutchess County, Blacksmith, for consideration of £341 & five shillings of lawful money received of Caleb Carman Junr, of ye precinct and county aforesaid, Yeoman, conveyed a certain tract of Land containing one hundred & Ninty and five acres situate & lying in Poughkeepsie precinct... Instrument dated April 4, 1760 or 1761 and recorded June 1, 1764. Signed: John Bookhout & Ann Bookhout.
240 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. Johannis Bockhout, will written Aug. 20, 1770 and probated Feb. 11, 1771. In his will, he states "I give to my oldest Son Pieter for his Birtwrith the sum of five Pounds of lawful Money...".
241 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. Johannis Bockhout, will written Aug. 20, 1770 and probated Feb. 11, 1771. In his will, he states "I give to my oldest Son Pieter for his Birtwrith the sum of five Pounds of lawful Money..." This which would imply Peter was still alive on at least Aug. 20, 1770.
242 New York City Marriages - 1600 - 1800, selected extract from the NY Genealogical & Biographical Record (quarterly), 1938, p. 287. indicates Peter Buckhout & Jean Churchill were married in 1755 at Rumbout (now Poughkeepsie) in Dutchess County, NY.
243 Parish Records - Presbyterian Churches of Rumbout & Poughkeepsie - Dutchess Co., NY (Copied from New York Gen. & Bio. Record, Vol. LXVII, LXIX, LXX: Sept. 12, 1941), Marriages, p. 41. Nov. 2, 1755 Peter Buckhout & Jean Churchill (Widow).
244 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," mentioned in father's will as daughter Hester.
245 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," mentioned in father's will as son Jacobus.
246 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," mentioned in father's will as daughter Margaret.
247 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," mentioned in father's will as daughter Nancy.
248 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," mentioned in his father's will as son Abraham.
249 Frank Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent - Dutchess Co., NY (Vol. II: 1993), The Bookout Family, ch. 77, p. 642-643.
250 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," mentioned in father's will as daughter Mary.
251 Cemetery Inscriptions - Dewitt (North Orville) Cemetery - Dewitt, NY, Badgley, Mary Bookhout d. 23 Sept 1820 age 66-8-24 w/o Anthony, placing her birth on Dec. 30, 1753.
252 Cemetery Inscriptions - Dewitt (North Orville) Cemetery - Dewitt, NY, Badgley, Mary Bookhout d. 23 Sept 1820 age 66-8-24 w/o Anthony.
253 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 27, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," mentioned in father's will as son John.
254 Revolutionary War - Pension File - Widow's Application, # W16201 - Anna (Appleby) Buckhout. birth date & location provided from daughter, Adeline Buckhout's, letter on file dated Nov. 7, 1843.
255 Revolutionary War - Pension File - Widow's Application, # W16201 - Anna (Appleby) Buckhout. birth month and year taken from letter by Adeline Buckhout dated Nov. 7, 1843.
256 Assessment Records, Tax-Payers List, Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY.
257 Wm. Penn Penn M.D., Moses Vail of Huntingon, L.I. Showing his Descent from Joseph (2) Vail, Son of Thomas Vail at Salem, Massachusetts 1640 Together with Collateral Lines (Blairstown, NJ: W.P. Vail, 1947), 63; He [Jesse Vail] married Elizabeth Buckhout who died 19 Jan'y 1842, at the home of her son Isaac E. Vail, Milan, Dutchess Co., NY. She was the daughter of Peter Buckhout & Jane Brower.
258 A.P.G. Jos van der Linde, editor, Old First Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, New York: First Book of Records, 1660-1752 (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1983), 164; Translation - Fourth List of Baptisms: 1719, May 18; Jannete; parents: Adoleves Brouwer, Jannetie; witnesses: Jan Pessen, Leena, his wife
259 Land Records, Mortgages, Dutchess Co., NY, Libre 4, p. 146. Jane Buckhout is mentioned in discharge of mortgage dated May 1794.
260 Edited by: Helen Wilkinson Reynolds, Eighteenth Century Records of the portion of Dutchess County, NY that was included in Rombout Precinct & the original Town of Fishkill (Dutchess County Historical Society: vol. VI, 1938), p. 158. Liber IV, p. 146 - Thomas Brush, mortgagor, carpenter of Rumbout, to Jane Buckhout, widow, of Rumbout, mortgagee, loan £400, on the farm formerly owned by Peter Buckhout, deceased, which was conveyed by John Buckhout, eldest son of said Peter, to Jane Buckhout and by her to said Thomas Brush, recorded: June 4, 1784, witness: Conrad Elmendorp.
261 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2D, Item #5, "John Bookhout, of Saint John, N.B., and Some of his Family". John Bookhout, a Loyalist from Dutchess County, New York, settled following the American Revolution in Saint John, N.B., where he received a grant of Lot 1028, Parrtown... Family tradition has it that he was descended from the Rev. Everardus Bogardus and his wife Anneke Jans through their grandson Adolphus Brouwer and his wife Jannetie F(V)erdon.
262 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2D, Item #5, "John Bookhout, of Saint John, N.B., and Some of his Family". On Feb. 26, 1819, John Bookhout, yeoman, gave to his son William, mariner, Lot 1028, Saint John, "in consideration of the Love good will and Affection" he held for him. He died in Saint John, N.B., Oct. 13, 1819.
263 Rosalie Fellows Bailey, A.B, Pre-Revolutionary Dutch Houses and Families in Northern New Jersey & Southern New York (William Morrow & Co., NY: 1936), p. 87. In Paulus Van Enden's will, executed in 1732 and probated in 1737, he mentioned his wife Jannetie, his chidren Catryna (bap. 1706 in Brooklyn), Hendrick, Adrian, Jacob, Abraham, and Ryck, named as executors his wife, the three Van Suydams (his brothers-in-law, although not stated) and his son-in-law Jan Vanderbilt.
264 Paul W. Prindle F.A.S.G., Van Anden - Van Enden Family, second ed. (Orleans, MA: P.W. Prindle, 1980), 44; FHL Microfilm 1,033,699, item 5; Aaron Van Anden, Grandfather to Stephen Van Anden, was born in Holland [later refuted by other evidence] about the year 1712 -- died 1792.
265 Dutchess Co., New York, Deed Records, 1718-1901, 2: 310-312, John & Elizabeth Maxfield to Adrian Van Enden, Deed, Mar. 17, 1750; Family History Library, Salt Lake City; John Maxfield of Poughkeepsie Precinct, Gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, conveyed to Adrian Van Enden, of Rumbout Precinct, Cordwainer, 195 acres, in the Fifteen Hundred Acres of Poughkeepsie Precinct, in consideration of £250
266 Van Vleck's Journal, Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - Northampton & Southampton, Bucks Co., PA, Baptisms, p. 7. Aug. 1, 1742: Hester, daughter of Ariaen Van Ende & Johana Boeckhoudt.
267 Parish Records - First Reformed Dutch Church - Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY, Baptisms, p. 97. June 15, 1746; Johannis, son of Addrian Van Ander & his wife --- Boukout.
268 Land Records, Original Deeds, Town of Fishkill, Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, Libre I, p. 279.
269 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1742. 14 July; Joris Elsworth, Susanna Boekhout; Maria, witnesses: Ahasuerus Elsworth, Annatje Elsworth j.d.
270 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1745. 13 January: George Elsworth, Susanna Boekhout; Susanna, witnesses: John Beekman, Maria Elsworth.
271 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1747. July 8; George Elsworth, Susanna Boekhout; Ahasuerus, witnesses: Thomas Scemer, Ariaantje.
272 Parish Records - Reformed Dutch Church - New Amsterdam (New York City), Baptisms, 1750. 11 Feb: Joris Elsword, Susanna Boekhout; Hesther, witnesses: John Beekman, Elisabeth Elsword, z.h.v.
273 Probate Records, NY City Wills, 1730 - 1744. Anthony Gleane's will dated May 5, 1734 and proved August 19, 1734, mentions wife Susanah Buckhout and brother-in-law Johanes Buckhout.
274 Arthur C.M. Kelly, Transcribed & Indexed by, Vital Records of First Reformed Church of Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY 1731-1915, p. 146. item # 62: 1743 Feb 20: Jaems Glen, j.m., Engeltje Boechout, j.d.
275 James Riker, Jr, The Annals of Newtown (New York, NY: D. Fanshaw, 1852), p. 110.
276 Assessment Records, Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 287. 1743/4: Gleen, James, Land Value £1; Taxed 4s, 2d.
277 Assessment Records, Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 275. Feb. 1742/3: Gleen, James, Land Value £2; Taxed 6s.
278 James Riker, Jr, The Annals of Newtown (New York, NY: D. Fanshaw, 1852), p. 110. indicates Anthony was in his 92nd year when died in 1842, placing his birth about 1750.
279 Revolutionary War Pension and Land-Bounty-Warrant Application Files(Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll M804, S23657, Anthony Glean, New York & Sea Service; p. 11: He [applicant] was born in the city of New York on the 12th day of January 1751.
280 Probate Records, Will of Simon Flagler, filed in Albany, Co., NY, 1775, vol. AF, p. 25. Death date approximate between date will was written and first court date.
281 Parish Records - First Reformed Church - Hopewell, NY (Records typed and indexed by Mrs. Jean D. Worden, 1981), p. 6. p. 132: 1767 Feby 15 Hester, dau. of Henrik Van Voorhees & Johanna Flegelar, witnesses: Simon Flegelar & Hester Bockhold.
282 Probate Records, Will of Simon Flagler, filed in Albany, Co., NY, 1775, vol. AF, p. 25. mentions Jacob Lester as husband of daughter Elizabeth.
283 Probate Records, Will of Simon Flagler, filed in Albany, Co., NY, 1775, vol. AF, p. 25. will was written Nov. 29, 1774 and mentions bequest to John "to be paid and Delivered delivered to him at the age of twenty one years or on the Day of his marriage which shall first happen" which implies he was born after 1753.
284 Probate Records, Will of Simon Flagler, filed in Albany, Co., NY, 1775, vol. AF, p. 25. will was written Nov. 29, 1774 and mentions bequest to Halanah "to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen years or on the Day of her marriage which shall first happen" which implies she was born after 1756.
285 1790 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Norwalk & Stamford, Ridgefield, CT, p. 306. Peter Buckout; 1 m. > 16 yrs, 1 m. < 16 yrs & 2 females.
286 1800 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CT.
287 1810 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Wilton, Fairfield Co., CT.
288 Fairfield Co., Connecticut, Land Records, 1802-1902, 4: 25, Peter Buckhout to William Fitch, deed, July 13, 1818; Family History Library, Salt Lake City; Peter Buckhout of Wilton, County of Fairfield, State of Connecticut for sum of $ 700 sold to William Fitch, town of Wilton, three (3) properties as follows: a tract of land containing 7 acres & buildings situated in Wilton, a piece of land containing 1 acre lying in Wilton and another piece of land comprising 2 acres in Wilton near Whortleberry Hills.
289 Delaware Co., New York, Probate Records, C: 127, Peter Buckhout; Family History Library, Salt Lake City; Will written July 14, 1820 & probated Aug. 29, 1820, indicating Peter was of "Walton, Delaware Co., NY" at the time
290 Congregational Church (New Canaan, Connecticut, USA), "Marriages," 1791, v. 1, p. 82; FHL microfilm 000,4960; Peter Buckout [sic] of Wilton and Susa [sic] St. John, Nov. 24
Wilton Congregational Church (Wilton, CT, United States), "Marriages," 1779, Peter Buckhout to Sarah Lockwood; Wilton Library, Wilton; [no date visible] Peter Buckhout & Sarah Lockwood - [of ] Norwalk. The date and year are missing but prior page was 1778 and subsequent was 1780, so it is reasonable to assume the marriage did occur in 1779.
292 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Sidney, Delaware Co., NY, p. 83. lists Abigail as 68 yrs born in Connecticut, placing her birth abt. 1782.
293 Find A Grave database, Find A Grave (http://www.findagrave.com/ : accessed 27 Feb 2010), Database entry for Abigail (Bookhout) Wood (1782-1867); Authored by Michael Wood, Jan. 24, 2009, Memorial #33193019. Walton Cemetery, Walton, Delaware Co., NY: Abigail (Bookhout) Wood July 8, 1782 Connecticut - Nov. 6, 1867 Sidney, Delaware Co., NY.
294 Biographical Review Publishing Company, Biographical Review: This volume contains Biographical Sketches of The Leading Citizens of Delaware County New York (Boston, MA: Biographical Review Publishing Co., 1895); Caleb married Abigail Bookhout, born July 8, 1782.
295 Land Records, Original Deeds, Town of Fishkill, Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, Libre K, p. 283.
296 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #73. John (son of Peter & Sarah (Gardenier) Buckhout) bp. 1760 mar. Priscilla Ayres; 1814 Susanna Stephenson, d. 1828.
297 Quaker Meeting Records, Oblong Monthly Meeting, Dutchess, NY. records the marriage of John Buckout, son of Peter & Sarah Buckout, of Marlboro, Ulster Co., NY to Susanna Stephenson on 15 of 2 m, 1814 at New Milford, CT. Therefore, Priscilla must have died prior to 1814.
298 Probate Records, New Paltz, Ulster Co., NY, vol. G, p. 181, Probate Packet Box 4. father John Buckhout's will, written Jan. 24, 1828 & proved April 7, 1828, provides legacies to children of his daughter, Prissella "deceased".
299 Probate Records, New Paltz, Ulster Co., NY, vol. G, p. 181, Probate Packet Box 4. John Buckhout's will, written Jan. 24, 1828 & proved April 7, 1828; mentions "Robert Young the husband of my Daughter Phoebe...".
300 Probate Records, New Paltz, Ulster Co., NY, vol. G, p. 181, Probate Packet Box 4. John Buckhout's will, written Jan. 24, 1828 & proved April 7, 1828; mentions "Robert Young the husband of my Daughter Phoebe..." and condition that son Jacob "...pays to Robert Young of Marlborough..".
301 Quaker Meeting Records, Oblong Monthly Meeting, Dutchess, NY. Married: 15 of 2m, 1814, at New Milford, John Buckout, son of Peter & Sarah Buckout, of Marlboro, Ulster Co., NY, and Susanna Stephenson, daughter of Nathaniel & Susannah Stephenson of Pawling.
302 Quaker Meeting Records, Oblong Monthly Meeting, Dutchess Co., NY. Married: 15 of 2m, 1814, at New Milford, John Buckout, son of Peter & Sarah Buckout, of Marlboro, Ulster Co., NY, and Susanna Stephenson, daughter of Nathaniel & Susannah Stephenson of Pawling.
303 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #39 Effie Buckhout b. 1739 mar. Peter Bankert.
304 NY Historical Society, Collections of the New-York Historical Society - 1905 (vol. 38, 1906), NY City Wills, Letters of Admin., p. 338. intestate: Peter Banker, Fredericksburg Precinct, Letters of Admin. granted to: Abraham Buckhout, Cortlandt's Manor, N.Y., farmer, brother of Effie Banker, the widow, dated: Feb. 23, 1786.
305 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 1562 Nov. 5, 1756 Petrus Bancker, zyn kind gedoopt, Abraham, b. Dec. 5, 1756, witnesses: Matthys Bockhout and his wife.
306 1790 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), York, Westchester Co., NY, Roll M637_6, p. 8.
307 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #43. Abraham (son of Matthys & Elizabeth (Martine) Buckhout) bp. 1748 mar. Mary Purdy.
308 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. # 74. Daniel (son of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. Mar. 7, 1777 d. 1849.
309 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 11. Daniel, b. Mar. 7, 1777; John, b. May 12, 1779; Francis, b. July 29, 1781; Thomas, b. Oct. 8, 1782; Rachel, b. July 29, 1784; Jacob, b. Mar. 1, 1786; all baptized Nov. 27, 1786, children of Abm. Buckhout & Mary Purdy.
310 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, C6-1156. In memory of Daniel Buckhout died April 1, 1849 aged 72 yrs. & 24 days.
311 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, C6-1155. In memory of Mary wife of Daniel Buckhout died May 17, 1855, aged (71 years, 9 months and 17 days).
312 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), # 75. John (son of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. May 12, 1779.
313 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. # 74. Frances (dau. of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. July 29, 1781 mar. Col. Joseph Hunt d. 1848.
314 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. # 77. Thomas (son of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. Oct. 8, 1782.
315 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #77. Thomas (son of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. Oct. 8, 1782 mar. Maria, d. Schaghticoke 1845.
316 Cemetery Inscriptions - Yates - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Buckhout, Thomas d. 23 Feb. 1845 age 58y wife: Mariah Buckhout.
317 Probate Records, Rensselaer Co., NY, Buckhout, Thomas, vol. 34, p. 313-318. It should be noted that on March 13, 1845, the court appointed Ambrose H. Sheldon of Troy, Rensselaer Co., NY as Special Guardian for the four minor children. On this same day, in court, Edward A. Buckhout "...verified by his oath setting forth that the said Thomas Buckhout died a natural death at his residence in the town of Schaghticoke in said County of Rensselaer on or about the 26th day of February 1845...".
318 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. # 78. Rachel (dau. of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. July 29, 1784.
319 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. # 79. Jacob (son of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. Mar. 1, 1786.
320 Cemetery Inscriptions - Evergreen or Scipioville Cemetery - Ledyard, Cayuga Co., NY, Jacob Buckhout d. May 18, 1858 age 72 [92?] yrs 2 mo. 17 days, near his brother Philip H. Buckhout and his family.
321 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. # 80. Susan (dau. of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) b. June 16, 1789 mar. Richard C. Palmer d. 1858.
322 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. # 81. Phoebe (dau. of Abraham & Mary (Purdy) Buckhout) mar. William Waldron.
323 James Riker, Harlem: Its Origin and Early Annals (New Harlem Pub. Co.: New York, 1904), p. 720. #421. William W. [Waldron], born May 26, 1790, married Phebe Buckhout, had twelve children, and died August 24, 1851.
324 Jean E. Buckhout Family Tree, email dated May 18, 1999 outlines Philip H. Buckhout and descendants.
325 Cemetery Inscriptions - Evergreen or Scipioville Cemetery - Ledyard, Cayuga Co., NY, Buckhout, Major Philip H. b. Apr. 14, 1792 d. Nov. 28, 1883.
326 Probate Records, Cayuga Co., NY wills, vol. 30, p. 579-582.
327 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #44. Hannah (dau. of Matthys & Elizabeth (Martine) Buckhout) bp. 1751 mar. George Jewel.
328 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 11. Daniel & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 26, 1776; Isaac, b. Oct. 2, 1780; Mary, b. Feb. 4, 1785; baptized Nov. 27, 1786, children of George Jewel & Hannah Buckhout.
329 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #45. Daniel (son of Matthys & Elizabeth (Martine) Buckhout) mar. Phebe Totten.
330 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #45. Daniel (son of Matthys & Elizabeth (Martine) Buckhout) mar. Phebe Totten. His widow died 1847.
331 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #82. Matthias (son of Daniel & Phebe (Totten) Buckhout) d. unmar. 1822.
332 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #83. Mary (dau. of Daniel & Phebe (Totten) Buckhout) b. 1787 mar. 1804 Moses Tompkins d. 1864.
333 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 413 Nov. 9, 1773 Nicklaas Storm, j.m. and Engeltie Bockhout, j.d.
334 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fifth Book, Marriages. shows entry # 430 May 1, 1777 Jacob Ekker, j.m. and Engeltie Bockhout, widow of Nicholas Storm, both b. & l. in Philipsburgh.
335 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2319 --Jakob Ekker, --Boekhout, Willem, witnesses: Willem Ekker, Annatje Ekker, widow of Hogenkamp.
336 1790 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Greenburgh, Westchester Co., NY, Roll M637_6, p. 199.
337 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #49. Jacob was born in Philipsburgh Sept 5, 1758, served as a corporal in Capt. Comb's Company of Militia. He married Jane (dau. of Staats) Hammond, resided in Greenburgh just north of Elmsford, died Mar. 31, 1812.
338 Revolutionary War - Pension File - Widow's Application, #W24689. Buckhout, Jacob: Jane reported she and Jacob were married on Jan. 11, 1787 at the Reformed Dutch Church in Tarrytown, Westchester, NY.
339 Revolutionary War - Pension File - Widow's Application, #W24689. Buckhout, Jacob: for Jane (Hammond) Buckhout, indicated Jane was 77 yrs old and living in Greenburgh in 1846.
340 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot #Q4-29. In memory of Jane Hammon widow of Jacob Buckhout died on Thursday, May 31, 1849, at 6 o'clock p.m.. Aged 80 yrs. 3 mo. & 24 days.
341 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 84. Elizabeth (dau. of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. Apr. 9, 1788 mar. Abraham Boyce d. 1821.
342 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 16. Elizabeth, b. Apr. 9, 1788, bap. Aug. 3, 1788 Jacob Buckhout & Janie Hammon.
343 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 85. Anna (dau. of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. Aug. 12, 1791 mar. Martin Smith d. 1874.
344 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, Fourth Book, Baptisms. entry # 2469 Nov. 20, 1791 Jacob Boeckhout, Jannetie Hemmon, Enny, b. Aug. 12, no witnesses.
345 Obituary Notice, Anna (Buckhout) Smith died at her residence corner of Broadway and Main street, at Hall's Corners or Elmsford.
346 Revolutionary War - Pension File - Widow's Application, #W24689. Buckhout, Jacob: Letter on file from son, Jacob, aged 51 yrs dated Oct. 8, 1846 while living in Greenburgh, Westchester, NY.
347 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 86. Jacob (son of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. May 30, 1793 mar. Hannah A. Odell d. 1873.
348 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 29. Jacob, b. May 30, 1793, bap. July 21, 1793 Jacob Buckhout & wife.
349 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 87. Mary (dau. of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. Feb. 12, 1796 mar. Benjamin Odell d. 1881.
350 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 36. Mary, b. Feb. 12, 1796, bap. May 7, 1796 Jacob Buckhout & wife.
351 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 88. Abraham (son of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. Feb. 18, 1799 mar. Jane H. Odell.
352 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 44. Abraham, b. Feb. 18, 1799, bap. Apr. 11, 1799 Jacob Buckhout & wife.
353 Parish Records - Presbyterian Church - Newtown, Queens, NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 44. Abraham, b. Feb. 18, 1799, bap. Apr. 11, 1799 Jacob Buckhout & wife.
354 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 89. Hannah King (dau. of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. May 18, 1800 d. unmar. 1873.
355 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 51. Hannah King, b. May 18, 1801, bap. July 26, 1801 Jacob Buckhout & Jenny Hammond.
356 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 90. John (son of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. July 16, 1804 mar. Martha Ann ?? d. 1889.
357 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 56. John, b. July 16, 1804, bap. Aug. 19, 1804 Jacob Buckhout & wife.
358 Waseca Co., MN Death Register, v. A, p. 54, No. 192. Oct. 25, 1881; John Buckhout, male, white, married, age: 78, place of birth: N. York, cause of death: Heart Disease, place of death: Janesville, occupation: Miller, names & birth places of parents: Jacob & Jane Buckhout, N. Y., registered: Oct. 31, 1881.
359 Amos C. Requa, The Family of Requa, 1678-1898 (Peekskill, NY: A.C. Requa, 1898), 44; Clara, daughter of Elijah, married John Buckout. They lived in Newburgh, N.Y., afterward bought a farm in Cayuga County, N.Y. They had eight daughters and one son.
360 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 91. Susan (dau. of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. May 25, 1805 mar. James H. Roome d. 1876.
361 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. # 92. Isaac (son of Jacob & Jane (Hammond) Buckhout) b. April 25, 1811 mar. Mary E. Tompkins d. 1890.
362 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 68. Isaac, b. April 25, 1811, bap. May 24, 1811 Jacob Buckhout & Jane Hammond.
363 Marriages Published in the Christian Intelligencer of the Reformed Dutch Church 1830 - 1871, vol. 6. April 3, 1851 (publication date): On Wednesday, March 26th, by the Rev. Philip Phelps, Mr. Isaac Buckhout to Miss Mary Elizabeth Tompkins, daughter of Mr. Gabriel Tompkins, all of Greenburg, Westchester County, N.Y.
364 1790 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Greenburgh, Westchester Co., NY, Roll M637_6, p. 199. John Bookhout (son of Jacob).
365 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #50. John J. Buckhout b. Philipsburgh Jan. 12, 1762, married Susanne (dau. of David) Storm.
366 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #50. John J. (Jacob, Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburgh Jan. 12, 1762 married Susanna (dau. of David) Storm, died May 23, 1831.
367 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot #F5-1103. Susan, relict of John Buckhout, died Nov. 27, 1837 aged 78 years, placing her birth in about 1759.
368 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot #F5-1103. In memory of Susan relict of John Buckhout who died Nov. 27, 1837 aged 78 years.
369 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2388 (unclear date, could be 1779 or later) John Boekhout, Susanna his wife, Jenne, witnesses: Jacob Bockhout, Jenny Hemmon his wife (likely Jane Hammond).
370 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #93. Jenny (dau. of John J. & Susanna (Storm) Buckhout) bp. 1785 d.y.
371 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2388 (unclear date) John Boekhout, Susanna his wife, Jenne, witnesses: Jacob Bockhout, Jenny Hemmon his wife (likely Jane Hammond).
372 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #94. Elizabeth (dau. of John J. & Susanna (Storm) Buckhout) b. Apr. 25, 1787 mar. Daniel Ackerman d. 1820.
373 Edgar Mayhew Bacon, First English Record Book of The Dutch Reformed Church in Sleepy Hollow (Tarrytown Historical Society: 1931), p. 27, Baptisms. #110, Elizabeth, daughter of John Buckhout and Susannah Storms, born April 25th, 1787; baptised April 26th, 1787; Sponsors, David Storms and Eliz. Gurdineir, his wife.
374 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #95. Mary (dau. of John J. & Susanna (Storm) Buckhout) b. Aug. 4, 1788 d.y.
375 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 18. Maritje, b. Aug. 1, 1788, bap. Aug. 31, 1788 John Buckhout & Susanna Storms.
376 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. entry # 2470 Nov. 20, 1791 Jan Boeckhout, Susanna Storm, Jacob, b. Sept. 29, no witnesses.
377 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot #F5-1105. In memory of Jacob Buckhout who departed this life July 8, 1829 Aged 37 years, 9 mos., 9 days.
378 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #97. David S. (son of John J. & Susanna (Storm) Buckhout) b. Dec. 12, 1795 mar. 1818 Rachel Odell d. 1844.
379 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 35. David Storms, b. Dec. 12, 1795, bap. February 20, 1796 John Buckhout & Susanna Storms.
380 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 87. John, b. Apr. 7, 1820, bap. Nov. 14, 1824 son of John Buckhout & Susan Storms [note: Susan would have been over 50 years, it is possible this child was born to a relative and they took over his care?].
381 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #51. Lea (dau. of Jacob & Maritie (Ecker) Buckhout) b. Sep. 1, 1766 mar. 1787 Samuel Sherwood.
382 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Marriages, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 96. Samuel Sherwood to Leah Buckhout Dec. 25, 1787.
383 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 19. Joseph, b. Aug. 29, 1788, bap. Sept 5, 1788 Samuel S. & Leah B. (notation by Mr. Van Tassel, owner of copy of records, indicates "Sherwood" and "Buckhout" as family names for parents).
384 Edgar Mayhew Bacon, First English Record Book of The Dutch Reformed Church in Sleepy Hollow (Tarrytown Historical Society: 1931), p. 39, Baptisms. Jacob, son of Samuel Sherid and Leah Bauckhout, born Nov. 10, 1793; baptised Feb. 24th, 1794.
385 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 35. William Acker, b. Dec. 6, 1795, bap. February 28, 1796 Samuel Sherid (sic) & Leah Buckhout.
386 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 35. William Acker, b. Dec. 6, 1795, bap. February 28, 1796 Samuel Sherid (sic) & Leah Buckhout.
387 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 103. #52. Maritie (dau. of Jacob & Maritie (Ecker) Buckhout) b. June 7, 1776 mar. Stephen Sherwood.
388 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 48. Mary, b. Nov. 25, 1799, bap. Sept. 7, 1800 Stephen Shiddird & Mollyn Buckhout (sic).
389 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 56. Ann, b. July 2, 1803, bap. April 1, 1804 Stephen Sherwood & wife.
390 1790 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Greenburgh, Westchester Co., NY, Roll M637_6, p. 146.
391 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #53. John (Peter, Jan, Matthys, Jan) b. Philipsburgh Jan. 19, 1746, married Jane (dau. of Richard) Gerretson.
392 Richard Denike Family Tree, provided date of marriage.
393 Richard Denike Family Tree, provided birth date.
394 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2236 June 17, 1775 [edge gone] --n Boekhout, [edge gone] --nnetie his wife, Petrus, b. Apr. 10, no witnesses.
395 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2410 May 30, 1784 Jan Bockhout, Jannittie, Jan, b. Nov. 17, 1777, no witnesses.
396 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2410 May 30, 1784 Jan Bockhout, Jannittie, Jan, b.Nov. 17, 1777, no witnesses.
397 Probate Records, Delaware Co., NY, vol. E, p. 418. John Buckhout's will was written July 25, 1853 and proved July 14, 1854.
398 Amy Gavette, Cemetery Inscriptions - More Cemetery - Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY (1960's), Bookhout (no first name listed) d. 12/23/1853 aged 75 y. 11 m. 9 d.
399 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2411 May 30, 1784 Jan Bockhout, Jannittie, Maria, b. Feb. 1, 1780, no witnesses.
400 Richard Denike Family Tree, provides birth date as Mar. 16, 1783.
401 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. entry begins not earlier than late in 1782 and covers not less than a year. # 2491 Johannis Boeckhout, Jannitie hiw wife, Margriettie, b. Mar. 16, no witnesses.
402 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #101. Margaret (dau. of John & Jane (Gerretson) Buckhout) b. Mar. 16, 1782 mar. Martin Cregier.
403 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Marriages, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 98. Marten Cregier to Peggy Buckhout March 5, 1804.
404 Edgar Mayhew Bacon, First English Record Book of The Dutch Reformed Church in Sleepy Hollow (Tarrytown Historical Society: 1931), p. 20, Baptisms. #7, Jacob, son of John Buckhout & Janitije Garrison, was born Jan. 20th, 1785; baptised Oct. 2nd, 1785.
405 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #102. Jacob (son of John & Jane (Gerretson) Buckhout) b. Jan. 20, 1785 mar. Mary Tice d. 1865.
406 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. shows entry # 2389 (unclear date) Jan Boeckhout, Jannittie his wife, Willim, b. July 28, 1790, no witnesses.
407 Richard Denike Family Tree, provided death date & location.
408 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #104. Isaac (son of John & Jane (Gerretson) Buckhout) b. July 30, 1792.
409 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 27. Isaac, b. July 30, 1792, bap. Aug. 26, 1792 John & Yanahse (sic) Buckhout.
410 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #54. Elizabeth (dau. of Peter & Aeltje (Cuyper) Buckhout) b. Oct. 21, 1746 mar. William Jewel.
411 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Fourth Book, Baptisms. entry # 2192 (See 1768) Elizabeth Boekhout, Abraham, Barint Delemater, Ragel his wife.
412 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #53. Mary (dau. of Peter & Aeltje (Cuyper) Buckhout) mar. William Lounsbury.
413 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 3. Abigail, daughter of Wm. Lansbury & Mary Buckhout, b. Jan. 19, 1773 baptized Oct. 18, 1785, sponsors: John Buckhout & Jane Garrison, his wife.
414 Copied by Samuel Burhans, Jr. previous to 1900, Records of Baptisms of the Reformed Dutch Church of Cortlandtown, Westchester Co., NY (NY Gen. & Bio. Record, vol. 73, no. 3: July 1942), p. 137. bap. 1781 March 18; Catharina, b. 28 Feby 1780, dau. of Willem Devoe & Marritje Bockhout, sponsors: Hendrik Romer & Christina syn vrouw.
415 1790 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Greenburgh, Westchester Co., NY, Roll M637_6, p. 199. John Bookhout (son of Isaac).
416 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 104. #60. John (son of Isaac & Antje Buckhout) bp. Sept. 13, 1760 mar. Elizabeth (dau. of Martin) Van Wert.
417 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #60. John (son of Isaac & Antje Buckhout) bp. Sept. 13, 1760 mar. Elizabeth (dau. of Martin) Van Wert.
418 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #105. Rachel (dau. of John & Elizabeth (Van Wert) Buckhout) b. Dec. 3, 1786 mar. James Hammond d. 1848.
419 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 13. Rachel, b. Dec. 3, 1786; bap. May 17, 1787, John Buckhout & Eliza Van Wart.
420 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #106. Isaac (son of John & Elizabeth (Van Wert) Buckhout) b. Oct. 20, 1789.
421 Edgar Mayhew Bacon, First English Record Book of The Dutch Reformed Church in Sleepy Hollow (Tarrytown Historical Society: 1931), p. 35, Baptisms. #257, Isaac, son of John Buckhout and Eliz. Van Wart, born Oct. 20th, 1789; baptised Nov. 1st, 1789.
422 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #107. Peter Cannon (son of John & Elizabeth (Van Wert) Buckhout) b. Apr. 14, 1792 d.y.
423 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 26. Peter Canon, b. April 14, 1792, bap. June 24, 1792 John T. Buckhout & Elizabeth Van Wart.
424 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #108. Stephen Carpenter (son of John & Elizabeth (Van Wert) Buckhout) bp. 1794 mar. Ann Louisa Underhill d. 1869.
425 Edgar Mayhew Bacon, First English Record Book of The Dutch Reformed Church in Sleepy Hollow (Tarrytown Historical Society: 1931), p. 40, Baptisms. #367, Steven Carpenter son of John Buckhout and Elizabeth Van Wart, born ----, and baptised Nov. 2, 1794.
426 Gideon J. Tucker, Secretary of State, Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York - Previous to 1784 (Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1860), p. 54. 1755 Sept. 10 Buckhout, Hester and Hendrick Lott, Record: Marriage by Banns, Vol. I, p. 172.
427 Parish Records - Presbyterian Churches of Rumbout & Poughkeepsie - Dutchess Co., NY (Copied from New York Gen. & Bio. Record, Vol. LXVII, LXIX, LXX: Sept. 12, 1941), Marriages, p. 34. Sept. 19, 1755 Hendrick Lott (Widower) & Hester Buckhout at Nine Partners.
428 Probate Records, New York Co., NY Wills, vol. 23, p. 569-570. Lott, Henry of Dutchess Co., NY; written March 9, 1762, proved Jan'y 18, 1763.
429 Gideon J. Tucker, Secretary of State, Names of Persons for whom Marriage Licenses Were Issued by the Secretary of the Province of New York - Previous to 1784 (Albany, NY: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1860), p. 54. Record is referenced as "M.B." = Marriage Bond, Vol. I p. 172.
430 Assessment Records, Crum Elbow, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 244. Feb. 1741/42: Lott, Hendrick, Land Value £3; Taxed £1, 3s, 3d.
431 Probate Records, New York Co., NY Wills, p. 569-570. Lott, Henry of Dutchess Co., NY; written March 9, 1762, proved Jan'y 18, 1763 mentions wife Hester and three children: Abraham, Mary & Sarah.
432 Parish Records - Presbyterian Churches of Rumbout & Poughkeepsie - Dutchess Co., NY (Copied from New York Gen. & Bio. Record, Vol. LXVII, LXIX, LXX: Sept. 12, 1941), Marriages, p. 41. Jany 15, 1766 Isaac Vail & Esther Buckhout.
433 Probate Records, Dutchess Co.., NY Wills, Vol. C-D 1806-1815, Pg-252-255. for Isaac Vail, will written July 8, 1808 and proved Oct. 18, 1808, placing his death sometime between these two dates.
434 Land Records, Original Deeds, Town of Fishkill, Rumbout Precinct, Dutchess Co., NY, Libre K, p. 309.
435 Van Voorhis, Rachel & William - Estate Pictures, On the reverse of a picture of Rachel is the following information "Rachel Vail married William Roe Van Voorhis, May 12, 1788, died June 12, 1845".
436 Parish Records - First Reformed Dutch Church - Poughkeepsie, NY, Marriages, p. 15. 1768 July 10; Rufus Greene of Rhode Island and Maragrieta Boekhout of Vischkill [likely Fishkill].
437 East Greenwich Town Clerk, Vital Records, 1666-1950 (East Greenwich, RI), v. 2, p. 131. Nancy Greene, first Daughter of Rufus Greene Jr., and born of the body of Margaret his Wife in East Greenwich March ye 12th AD 1770 the second Day of the Week about 7 o'clock in the evening.
438 Frank Doherty, The Settlers of the Beekman Patent - Dutchess Co., NY (Vol. II: 1993), The Bookout Family, ch. 77, p. 643.
439 East Greenwich Town Clerk, Vital Records, 1666-1950 (East Greenwich, RI), v. 1, p. 125. Rufus Greene, the 4th son of Rufus Greene, and Martha his Wife was born the 17th Day of 1: mo: 1747 at about 9 of the clock at night on the 3rd Day of the week.
440 D.G. Bell, Early Loyalist Saint John - The Origin of New Brunswick Politics 1783-1786 (Fredericton, NB: New Ireland Press, 1983), 204.
441 Salt Lake City, Utah, "Death Records, 1848-1890," (Office of Vital Statistics, Salt Lake City), 1866, p. 66, Philotte Pack; FHL microfilm 26,553; No. 2604 - Place of Death: 14th Ward; Name: Pack, Philotte; To whom related: Mother of John; Birth: 20 May 1770 at Long Island, New York; Death: 6 Jan 1866 of Old Age; Interment: Plat D, Block 14, Lot 14 [Salt Lake City Cemetery]
442 Probate Records, NY County, NY Wills, Libre 17, p. 553. filed as: "Bockhout, Johannis, Mar. 4, 1771," written 20 Aug. 1770 and proved Feb. 11, 1771, indicates that Mary was married at the time the will was written as Johannis mentions monies paid to her when she was "merryed".
443 Cemetery Inscriptions - Dewitt (North Orville) Cemetery - Dewitt, NY, Badgley, Anthony d. 23 July 1829 age 78-8-11; placing his birth on Nov. 12, 1750.
444 Cemetery Inscriptions - Dewitt (North Orville) Cemetery - Dewitt, NY, Badgley, Anthony d. 23 July 1829 age 78-8-11.
445 Parish Records - Jerusalem Reformed Church - Albany, NY, baptism of Samuel, parents Anthony Badsly & Mary Buckhout, birth date: Oct. 26, 1793.
446 Parish Records - Jerusalem Reformed Church - Albany, NY, bap. Oct. 30, 1801, Anthony Badgly, parents Anthony Badgly & Mary Buckhout, birth date: Sept. 3, 1801.
447 1790 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY, p. 88.
448 Beekman Town Clerk, Ancient Records Town of Beekman 1772 - 1827 covering Territory now Towns of Beekman - LaGrange (Freedom) Unionvale, p. 229. [School] District No. 5 House near John Billings: John Buckhout [among others].
449 Revolutionary War - Pension File - Widow's Application, # W16201 - Anna (Appleby) Buckhout. marriage date & location details from Anna's letter on file dated March 18, 1839.
450 New York Marble Cemetery [Old Marble Cemetery] (New York, NY), Vault Records, Vault #112, owner: John D. Keese, purchased: 1830. Bookhout, Anna (Appleby), bur. 30 July 1841, age 79 yrs 2 mos. 11 d; daughter of Stephen Appleby & probably Amelia Briggs. Married 4 Mar. 1784 Fishkill, NY, John Bookhout; died 30 July 1841. Born Dutchess County; died 389 Broome St. Lung Disease
451 Obituary Notice, NY Evening Post, July 31, 1841, No. 11,984, p. 2, col. 8. Died: On Friday morning, 30th instance, in full confidence of a blissful immortality, Mrs. Anna Bookhout, in the 80th year of her age. Funeral on Sunday afternoon, August 1st, at 1 o'clock, from her late residence, No. 389 Broome street.
452 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 11, 30 July 1841, Anna Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1841 July 30, Name: Bookhout, Anna [note: error in the Register shows first name as "Hamilton," this was first name of the prior entry], Residence: 389 Broome, Age: 79-2-1, Place of Nationality: Dutchess Co., Disease: Disease of Lungs, Cemetery: Marble Cemetery, Sexton: T. [or F] Halliday.
453 Obituary Notice, NY Evening Post, July 31, 1841, No. 11,984, p. 2, col. 8.
454 1840 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), NY City, 14th Ward, p. 675.
455 Probate Records, Letters of Administration, NY County, NY, Feb. 9, 1844. Reference: 44-5-44 (Liber, Page, Bond Book); Buckhout, Anna.
456 Probate Records, Petition for Letters of Administration, NY County, NY, Feb. 9, 1844. Reference: 44-5-44 (Liber, Page, Bond Book) of mother, Anna Buckhout.
457 Parish Records - Madison Ave. Reformed Church - NY City (Transcribed by NYGBS, NYC: March 1921), vol. 2, p. 54. Marriage recorded: April 5, 1820 - John C. Bookhoud [sic], son of John Bookhoud, with Eliza Muston, daughter of John Muston, Wednesday evening.
458 Brooklyn, Kings Co., New York, "Deaths," 1863, p. 87, Bookhout, John; City of New York, Dept. of Records & Info. Services, Municipal Archives, New York; Cert. #581, Date of Decease: Mar. 30, 1863, Bookhout, John, Age: 69 yrs, 4 mos., Residence: 282 Gold St., Ward 11, Male, Nativity: U.S., Physician: Cor. Norris, Buried: Greenwood, Cause of Death: Enlargement of the Heart.
459 "Died," New York Daily Tribune, Mar. 31, 1863, p. 5, col. 4; digital images(http://infoweb.newsbank.com : accessed 30 Dec 2011), American Historical Newspapers; DIED -- BOOKHOUT - Suddenly, on Sunday, March 29 of disease of the heart, John Bookhout, in the 70th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, April 1, at 10 o'clock a.m. from the residence of the deceased, No. 282 Gold street, Brooklyn.
460 Charles R. Rode, 161 Broadway, 1854 - 1855 Rode's New-York City Directory (New York, NY: 1854), p. 81. Bookhout, John, builder, 172 Forsyth, h. 143 Suffolk. John's last appearance in the NY City Directories.
461 Death Certificate, NJ State Archives. Certificate of Death: Mrs. John Bookhout, widow, age 79 yrs, 4 mo., died May 10, 1879 at Pequannock Twp, Morris Co., NJ. John died prior to his wife's death in 1879.
462 "Died," New York Daily Tribune, Mar. 31, 1863, p. 5, col. 4; digital images(http://infoweb.newsbank.com : accessed 30 Dec 2011), American Historical Newspapers; Vol. XXII, Issue 6860; BOOKHOUT - Suddenly, on Sunday, March 29 of disease of the heart, John Bookhout, in the 70th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, April 1, at 10 o'clock a.m. from the residence of the deceased, No. 282 Gold street, Brooklyn.
463 Cypress Hills Cemetery Administration, "Cypress Hills Cemetery Burial Records" (Brooklyn, NY), Section 4, Lot 149, Owner: Eliza Bookhout. No. 55854 John Bookhout, a; removed from Greenwood [no date provided but his two grandsons, John & Isaac Bookhout, were documented as No.'s 55855 and 55856 and also "rem. from Greenwood" and buried at Cypress Hills on Apr. 14, 1866, so he may have been relocated about the same time].
464 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 13, 6 Sept. 1842, William Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1842 Sept 6; Name: Bookhouse [sic], William; Residence: 224 Centre [?]; Age: 44 yrs; Born: NY; Cause of death: Disease of Heart; Cemetery: German Lutheran, Sexton: Louis Springer.
465 Kenneth Scott, Coroner's Reports New York City, 1823-1842 (New York, New York: NY Genealogical & Biographical Society, 1989), XII: 15; Bookhout, William - heart disease, b. New York State, age 44 or 45, carpenter by trade. Nancy King is his sister. (7 Sept. 1842); Extrapolating from William's age 44 or 45 at his death in 1842; places his birth between 1797 and 1798.
466 Kenneth Scott, Coroner's Reports New York City, 1823-1842 (New York, New York: NY Genealogical & Biographical Society, 1989), XII: 15; Bookhout, William - heart disease, b. New York State, age 44 or 45, carpenter by trade. Nancy King is his sister. (7 Sept. 1842)
467 New York Herald, Sept. 8, 1842, p. 2, Column D. SUDDEN DEATH. -- Mr. William Buckhout, carpenter, while standing at the corner of Grand and Orange Streets, yesterday, fell down and expired instantly. He had been as well as usual during the day, and an examination of the coroner resulted in a verdict of death from apoplexy.
468 War Department, Register of Enlistments, US Army, 1798 - 1914 (RG94, Film M233), vol. 38, p. 14, entry #43. Bookhout, Henry, age 29 yrs, 5' 7", grey eyes, light hair, light complexion, born Dutchess Co., NY, Occupation: Mason, enlisted for 5 yrs on Feb. 14, 1829 at Rochester, NY by Lt. Pendleton, 2 Inf. D., and deserted: March 21, 1829.
469 1871 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, Sub A, p. 24. Henry is 71 years of age, placing his birth about 1800.
470 1861 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., p. 54. Henry's "age at next birthday" is 61 yrs, placing his birth in about 1799 or 1800.
471 1871 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, Sub A, p. 24. Henry is a "71 yr old, Widower, Laborer" living with Matthias McCoy and family in this census. This is the last known record of him living at this time. He is not present in the 1881 Canada or 1880 US Census.
472 Michigan Secretary of State, County Death Registers, (Michigan Department of Vital Records, Lansing), 13, 11, Amelia E. Gale; FHL microfilm 2,363,667; Jackson Co. Return of Deaths for the year ending 1879; Date of Death: June 12, 1879, Female, White, Widow, age: 78 yrs, died: Jackson, cause: pneumonia, birthplace: New York, occupation/parents: unknown, date of record: June 16, 1880.
473 Julie Gibson, Michigan to Carol Murray, e-mail, Sept. 4, 2011, "Amelia (Bookhout) Gale"; privately held by Murray, [(E-ADDRESS) & MAILING ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Surrey, BC; I have a daguerrotype of her [Amelia's] sister Adeline, 1802-1849, with a note saying her father served in the Revolutionary War, and how she secured a pension for her mother who lived with her in New York. The note says her sister was Amelia Esmond Bookhout Gale.
474 Julie Gibson, Michigan to Carol Murray, e-mail, Sept. 4, 2011, "Amelia (Bookhout) Gale"; privately held by Murray, [(E-ADDRESS) & MAILING ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Surrey, BC; Julie indicates that her grandmother kept a genealogy book and that Amelia's birth date was noted as Nov. 4, 1800.
475 Revolutionary War - Pension File - Widow's Application, # W16201 - Anna (Appleby) Buckhout. in a letter on file Adeline attests to her age in 1820, at her father's death, as about 17, placing her birth in about 1802-3.
476 Julie Gibson, Michigan to Carol Murray, e-mail, Sept. 4, 2011, "Amelia (Bookhout) Gale"; privately held by Murray, [(E-ADDRESS) & MAILING ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Surrey, BC; I have a daguerrotype of her [Amelia's] sister Adeline, 1802-1849 and a note that says "This daguerrotype is of Adeline Bookhout born in Dutchess Co., NY 1802 died in New York City in 1849."
477 Cypress Hills Cemetery Administration, "Cypress Hills Cemetery Burial Records" (Brooklyn, NY), Section 4, Lot 149, Owner: Eliza Bookhout. No. 55119, Adaline Bookhout; No. 55120, Adaline Bookhout; & 55121 Elizabeth Muston, a, 11/22/1865; removed from corner Houston & Chrystie St., New York City, to one grave.
478 Probate Records, Letters of Administration, NY County, NY, Feb. 9, 1844. Reference: 44-5-44 (Liber, Page, Bond Book); Buckhout, Anna. Adeline's mother, in which Adeline is mentioned as a living adult child on the Petition for Anna's Letters of Administration.
479 National Archives of Canada, British Military Records, "C" Series, 1757-1899 (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: National Archives), C1867, C1868, C1869, C1870. Bookhout, John, Sergeant, Loyal American Regiment, Revolutionary War, service from 1777 to 1783 depicted in muster rolls.
480 D.G. Bell, Early Loyalist Saint John - The Origin of New Brunswick Politics 1783-1786 (Fredericton, NB: New Ireland Press, 1983), 28-29; The 1783 fall fleet included the Loyal American Regiment sailing on two ships: Apollo & Ann, most likely arriving Sept. 27, 1783 at the River St. John.
481 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Phebe Wright (1769 - 1850).
482 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 12 1847-1850 (St. John, N.B.: 1986), p. 165. "Morning News," Apr. 29, 1850; #2789 d. Saturday 27th inst., age 81, Phebe widow of John BOOKHOUT Funeral Monday 4 o'clock from residence of H. Austin, Corner Leinster and Carmarthen streets (St. John).
483 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 12 1847-1850 (St. John, N.B.: 1986), p. 158. "New Brunswick Courier," May 4, 1850; #2659 d. Saturday, age 81, Phoebe widow of John BOOKHOUT (St. John) city.
484 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Margaret, b. ca. 1787 m. William Blizard, June 25, 1807.
485 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Capt. William [Bookhout]... d. St. John, Jan. 20, 1825, age 36 [placing his birth in abt. 1788 or 1789].
486 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Capt. William [Bookhout]... d. St. John, Jan. 20, 1825, age 36.
487 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Charlotte, b. ca. 1791; m. Peter White, March 21, 1807, at St. John by Rev. Dr. Mather Byles, d. White's Cove, Parish of Cambridge, June 23, 1867, age 76 [placing her birth about 1791].
488 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Charlotte, b. ca. 1791; m. Peter White, March 21, 1807, at St. John by Rev. Dr. Mather Byles, d. White's Cove, Parish of Cambridge, June 23, 1867, age 76.
489 Cemetery Inscriptions - Whites Cove United Church Cemetery - Queens Co., NB, In memory of Charlotte wife of Peter White Died June 23, 1867 Aged 76 yrs.
490 NB Genealogical Society, New Brunswick Vital Statistics from Newspapers 1784-1815 (Fredericton, NB: 1982), p. 50. "New Brunswick Royal Gazette," March 25, 1807; #819 m. Saturday, by Rev. Dr. Byles, Peter WHITE / Miss Charlotte BUCKOUT, both of this city.
491 Cemetery Inscriptions - Whites Cove United Church Cemetery - Queens Co., NB, In memory of Peter White died 15 Dec. 1853 Aged 68 yrs. There is rest in heaven.
492 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". James, b. ca. 1793; m. Sarah Schurman, July 29, 1815; d. St. John, Feb. 21, 1830, age 37. Seven children. His widow d. St. John, Jan. 1873, age 79.
493 NB Genealogical Society, New Brunswick Vital Statistics from Newspapers 1829-1831 (Fredericton, NB: 1984), p. 27. "Weekly Observer," Feb. 23, 1830; #549 d. Sunday morn <BOOKHOUT James> age 37. Left wife 7 children.
494 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Phebe [sic], b. ca. 1795; m. (1) Capt. Robert Baird Dec. 23, 1812; (2) James McLaughlin, May 20, 1820.
495 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Susanna, b. ca. 1797; m. (1) Capt. William Adams (1788-1823), May 16, 1812; (2) William Hagerty, April 6, 1826, living a widow St. John, 1871.
496 NB Genealogical Society, New Brunswick Vital Statistics from Newspapers 1784-1815 (Fredericton, NB: 1982), p. 78. "New Brunswick Royal Gazette," May 18, 1812; "m. Saturday eve., in this City, Capt. William Adams / Miss Susannah Bookhout".
497 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Jane, b. ca. 1800; m. John Barnes, April 12, 1820; d. St. John, Feb. 23, 1843, age 43 [placing her birth abt. 1799-1800].
498 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Jane, b. ca. 1800; m. John Barnes, April 12, 1820; d. St. John, Feb. 23, 1843, age 43.
499 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". John, b. ca. 1802; mate of the [ship] "Olive Branch" d. St. John, Jan. 22, 1825, age 22 [placing his birth abt. 1802-1803].
500 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". John, b. ca. 1802; mate of the [ship] "Olive Branch" d. St. John, Jan. 22, 1825, age 22.
501 NB Genealogical Society, New Brunswick Vital Statistics from Newspapers 1824-1828 (Fredericton, NB: 1983), p. 20. "New Brunswick Courier," Jan. 29, 1825: "d. Saturday last, John Bookhout, age 22, mate of "Olive Branch", just arrived from West Indies".
502 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". George, b. ca. 1804, no further information.
503 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Mary, b. ca. 1806; m. Robert Kelly, June 27, 1827.
504 NB Genealogical Society, New Brunswick Vital Statistics from Newspapers 1824-1828 (Fredericton, NB: 1983), p. 59. "New Brunswick Courier," July 7, 1827: "m. 27th ult., Wednesday morn., by Rev. P. McMahon, Rboert Kelly / Miss Mary Bookhout, both of this city (City Gazette)".
505 Wm. Penn Penn M.D., Moses Vail of Huntingon, L.I. Showing his Descent from Joseph (2) Vail, Son of Thomas Vail at Salem, Massachusetts 1640 Together with Collateral Lines (Blairstown, NJ: W.P. Vail, 1947), p. 63; Jesse Vail was born 5 May 1748. He died at Fishkill between 30 Dec. 1819, & 3 June 1823, (dates of his Will).
506 Probate Records, Will of Simon Flagler, filed in Albany, Co., NY, 1775, vol. AF, p. 25. metions Henry Van Voorhis as husband of daughter Joanna.
507 Fairfield Co., Connecticut, Land Records, 1802-1902, 2: 20, Peter Buckhout to Abigail Wood, mortgage, Oct. 30, 1809; Family History Library, Salt Lake City; Peter Buckhout mortgages a parcel of land in Wilton, Fairfield Co., CT for $ 84 to Abigail Wood, resident of Walton, Delaware Co., NY
508 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Sidney, Delaware Co., NY, p. 83.
509 Fairfield Co., Connecticut, Land Records, 1802-1902, 3: 439, Caleb & Abigail Wood to Peter Buckhout, quit claim, Jan. 22, 1818; Family History Library, Salt Lake City; Caleb & Abigail Wood quit claimed all rights to the above property to Peter Buckhout on Jan. 22, 1818 acknowledging full payment of a debt paid, in the amount of $ 84.00
510 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Sidney, Delaware Co., NY, p. 83. lists Caleb as 66 yrs born in Connecticut, placing his birth abt. 1784.
511 Find A Grave database, Find A Grave (http://www.findagrave.com/ : accessed 27 Feb 2010), Database entry for Caleb Wood (1784-1855); Authored by Michael Wood, Jan. 14, 2009, Memorial #32930971. Walton Cemetery, Walton, Delaware Co., NY: Caleb Wood July 29, 1784 - Nov. 22, 1855.
512 Biographical Review Publishing Company, Biographical Review: This volume contains Biographical Sketches of The Leading Citizens of Delaware County New York (Boston, MA: Biographical Review Publishing Co., 1895); Caleb [son of Joseph Wood and Mary St. John], born July 29, 1784.
513 Fairfield Co., Connecticut, Land Records, 1802-1902, 2: 20, Peter Buckhout to Abigail Wood, mortgage, Oct. 30, 1809; Family History Library, Salt Lake City; Peter Buckhout mortgages a parcel of land in Wilton, Fairfield Co., CT for $ 84 to Abigail Wood [wife of Caleb], resident of Walton, Delaware Co., NY
514 Tom Applebee, Our Roots Go Deep - Family Stories (Cincinnatti, OH: Applebee Family Data, 2000), p. 20. [Appleby] Joseph, b. 1732 Eastchester, d. 1792, m1 Rachel Van Wert, m2 Aeltje Conklin.
515 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 2. Liverance, son of Joseph Appleby and Antie Conckling, b. Nov. 17, 1775 baptized Oct. 18, 1785.
516 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 15. Abigail, b. Aug. 1, 1777; Thomas, b. Jan. 15, 1780; Mary, b. April 16, 1782 all baptized Jan. 6, 1788 children of Joseph Appleby and Aullee (sic) Concklin.
517 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 15. Abigail, b. Aug. 1, 1777; Thomas, b. Jan. 15, 1780; Mary, b. April 16, 1782 all baptized Jan. 6, 1788 children of Joseph Appleby and Aullee (sic) Conckline.
518 Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (Sunset Press & Photo Engraving Co; 1903), p. 1383. Elizabeth Briggs, dau. of Jacob, b. in Castile, N.Y., 27 May, 1819; m. in Castile, 13 Apr. 1843, Henry Hyatt Buckhout, b. in Pompey, N.Y., 8 Jan, 1814, son of John Buckhout, b. in Westchester Co., N.Y., 12 May, 1779, and Esther Hyatt, b. in Westchester Co., 17 Oct., 1785.
519 Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (Sunset Press & Photo Engraving Co; 1903), p. 1383. He [Henry Buckhout] d. 10 Sept., 1856. In June, 1843 he removed from Castile [NY] and bought a farm in Oshtemo, Mich., where he res. until his death.
520 Parish Records - Dutch Reformed Church - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Marriages. Buckhout, Thomas to Maria Davis; May 15, 1826.
521 Cemetery Inscriptions - Yates - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Buckhout, Mariah d. 12 Oct. 1852 age 62 y husband: Thomas Buckhout.
522 Cemetery Inscriptions - Yates - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Buckhout, Palmer d. 17 Jan. 1851 age 23y parents: Maria & Thomas.
523 Cemetery Inscriptions - Yates - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Buckhout, Fanny d. 18 Dec 1834 age 1y, 2m, 17d parents: Maria & Thomas.
524 Cemetery Inscriptions - Yates - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Buckhout, Josephene d. 5 Apr. 1853 age 17y parents: Maria & Thomas.
525 Cemetery Inscriptions - Yates - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Sarah Buckhout, wife of Jacob Buckhout, died: Jan. 17, 1841 age 41 yrs, 4 mos. 28 days, town: Schaghticoke.
526 Cemetery Inscriptions - Yates - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Sarah Buckhout, wife of Jacob Buckhout, died: Jan. 17, 1841 age 41 yrs, 4 mos. 28 days, residence: Schaghticoke.
527 Cemetery Inscriptions - Elmwood - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Buckhout, Eunicy, wife of Chauncey I. Button, died Dec 26, 1885, born Sept. 29, 1818, buried: Elmwood Cemetery, town: Schaghticoke.
528 Probate Records, Oswego Co., NY, vol. P., p. 167-168. Abraham's will was written May 22, 1882 and proved Oct. 15, 1884.
529 Elliot Storke, The History of Cayuga County 1789 - 1879, p. 242. Town of Scipio/Early Settlements recounts that Amanda, daughter of Wm. Allen and Betsey Watkins, the first couple married in Scipio, died Oct. 8, 1876, aged 75.
530 Cemetery Inscriptions - Evergreen or Scipioville Cemetery - Ledyard, Cayuga Co., NY, Buckhout, Amanda b. Apr. 18, 1801 d. Oct. 8, 1876 "Wife".
531 Elliot Storke, The History of Cayuga County 1789 - 1879, p. 242. Town of Scipio/Early Settlements recounts that Amanda, daughter of Wm. Allen and Betsey Watkins, the first couple married in Scipio, died Oct. 8, 1876, aged 75. This would indicate that Amanda was likely born in Scipio as well.
532 Jean E. Buckhout Family Tree, Email dated May 18, 1999 outlines Philip H. Buckhout and descendants.
533 Cemetery Inscriptions - Evergreen or Scipioville Cemetery - Ledyard, Cayuga Co., NY, Buckhout, Edward A. b. Oct. 15, 1821 d. May 12, 1895 "Father".
534 Probate Records, Cayuga Co., NY wills, vol. 30, p. 579-582. of father, Philip H. Buckhout, who indicated his daughter, Harriet, was deceased when his will was written Sept. 4, 1882 in Scipioville.
535 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 71. Ann Maria, b. Dec. 21, 1812, bap. Feb. 14, 1813 Abraham Boyce & Betsy Buckhout.
536 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 74. Abraham Hammond, b. Aug. 5, 1814, bap. Sept. 4, 1814 son of Abraham Boyce & Betsy Buckhout.
537 Obituary Notice, "Mrs. Smith [Anna Buckhout] passed her maidenhood and childhood at Saw Mill River, until January 1812, when she was wedded to Martin Smith, and moved almost immediately to Tarrytown...".
538 Obituary Notice, Anna (Buckhout) Smith indicates "...at the death of her husband which occurred in September 1860...".
539 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 71. Jacob Buckhout, b. Nov. 16, 1812, bap. Feb. 14, 1813 Martin Smith & Anna Buckhout.
540 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 80. Nancy Cronk, b. Oct. 12, 1816, bap. July 24, 1817 dau. of Martin Smith & Ann Buckhout.
541 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 83. Henrietta, b. June 20, 1820, bap. May 4, 1820 dau. of Marten Smith & Ann Buckhout (notation in typescript: these dates are as Mr. Van Tassel has recorded them).
542 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 90. Mary, b. June 20, 1821; Ann Eliza, b. June 13, 1823, no baptism date given but based on records sequence likely 1824/1825, daus. of Martin Smith & Anna Buckhout.
543 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 90. Jacob Buckhout, b. Oct. 9, 1823, bap. Feby. 4, 1824 son of Benjamin Odell & wife.
544 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 90. William, b. 1826, no baptism date, son of Benj. Odell & Mary Buckhout.
545 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Marriages, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 98. Daniel Ackerman to Betsy Buckhout March 21, 1810.
546 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 68. Susan, b. March 13, 1811, bap. May 24, 1811 Daniel Ackerman & Betsy Buckhout, sponsors: John Buckhout & wife.
547 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 73. Jane, b. Sept. 17, 1813, bap. Dec. 23, 1813, dau. of Daniel Ackerman and Betsy Buckhout.
548 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old Dutch Burying Ground - Tarrytown, NY, Plot #F5-1075A. Clarissa, died March 14, 1834, aged 5 mos. and Rozetta, died April 10, 1841, aged 12 years. Children of David & Rachel Buckhout.
549 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District 3. #67 Bookhout, Peter age 32 & Bookhout, Nancy A. age 77 mother.
550 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), provides an approximate date of marriage for John T. Buckhout & Nancy Smart as 1801 in Westchester Co., NY.
551 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), provides reference to Nancy Smart as having been born about 1776 in Ireland.
552 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #67 Bookhout, Peter age 32 & Bookhout, Nancy A. age 77 mother. Nancy further indicates her birth place as Ireland.
553 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #67 Bookhout, Peter age 32 & Bookhout, Nancy A. age 77 mother.
554 Royden Woodward Vosburgh, Ed., NYGBS, Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Stamford (in the village & town of Stamford, Delaware Co., NY) (NY City: Aug. 1921), p. 219. Records of Reformed Church of Roxbury, Members Died, Nancy Buckhout widow of Jno Buckhout Nov. 8, 1863.
555 Roxbury Town Clerk, Vital Records (Roxbury, NY), Deaths 1863, 3rd Election District. Mrs. Bookhout, Date: Nov. 8, Age: 88, Female/White, Farmer's Wife, Nationality: Irish, Cause: Old Age, Head of Family: John Bookhout, Deceased.
556 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #67 Bookhout, Peter age 32 & Bookhout, Nancy A. age 77 mother. Nancy indicates she has been a "resident of the city or town" for 45 years, placing her arrival about 1810.
557 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), provides William's birth date, May 29, 1803, and birth place as Westchester, NY.
558 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old School Baptist Church Cemetery - Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Bookout, William b. 1803 d. 1852 & Caroline b. 1812 d. 1884.
559 Probate Records, Delaware Co., NY, vol. E, p. 418. John Buckhout's will was written July 25, 1853 and proved July 14, 1854; in that instrument he leaves legacies to the heirs of his son, William Buckhout, now deceased.
560 Probate Records, Delaware Co., NY, p. 51. Letters of Administration for William Bookhout recorded April 19, 1852, granted to Lucy C. Bookhout.
561 Audrey M. Klinkenberg, Obituaries, Death Notices and Genealogical Gleanings from The Saugerties Telegraph (Heritage Books Inc.: Bowie, MD, 1989), p. 117. April 10, 1852: #1451. On Sunday last [April 4, 1852], Mr. Bookout, of Roxbury, Delaware Co., committed suicide by hanging himself.
562 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), provides name as Nancy (Anna) Bookhout.
563 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), indicates Nancy (Anna) Bookhout married Solomon Ousterhoudt.
564 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), indicates Jane was born abt. 1806 in Westchester, NY.
565 Marriage Announcement, Delaware Gazette, May 11, 1836. Roxbury 2nd inst., Rev. A. Bronson, Aaron Hurd to Jane Buckhout, all of Roxbury.
566 Royden Woodward Vosburgh, Ed., NYGBS, Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Stamford (in the village & town of Stamford, Delaware Co., NY) (NY City: Aug. 1921), p. 213. Records of the Reformed Church of Roxbury, A Registry of Marriages, Aaron Reed & Jane Buckhout, of Roxbury, May 2, 1836, witnesses: Henry Reed & Jonas More.
567 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), indicates John Bookhout Jr. was born abt. 1809 in Westchester, NY.
568 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #209 Bookhout, John aged 45 yrs. John indicates under "years resident in this city or town" as 45, placing his migration to Roxbury in about 1810. This is consistent with what his mother Nancy has also indicated in the same census. As well, John clearly indicates his birth place as Westchester Co.
569 Cemetery Inscriptions - Old School Baptist Church Cemetery - Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Bookout, John d. 1885 aged 76 years & Chloe, wife of John d. Oct. 6, 1863 aged 46 years 4 mos 6 days.
570 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), indicates Peter S. Bookhout was born abt. 1823 in Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY (?).
571 Amy Gavette, Cemetery Inscriptions - More Cemetery - Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY (1960's), Bookhout, Peter S. 1822 - 1889 w/ Hannah E. Ryer.
572 Amy Gavette, Cemetery Inscriptions - More Cemetery - Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY (1960's), Bookhout, Peter S. 1822 - 1889 w/ Hannah E. Ryer 1828-1896.
573 Land Records, NY Co. (NY City), Land Conveyances, vol. 191, p. 348-351.
574 Grenville Mackenzie, The Families of the Colonial Town of Philipsburgh, Westchester County, NY (Unpublished: Compiled abt. 1950-1960), vol. I, p. 105. #103. William (son of John & Jane (Gerretson) Buckhout) b. July 28, 1790 mar. Maria Vincent d. 1870.
575 Richard Denike Family Tree, provided birth date & location.
576 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 71. Euphemia, b. June 22, 1810, Ann, b. Dec. 23, 1811; bap. March 24, 1813 James Hammond & Rachel Buckhout.
577 Parish Records - Old Dutch Reformed Church - Tarrytown (Sleepy Hollow), Westchester Co., NY, The Second Book, Baptisms, Typed Transcript by Florence E. Young, p. 75. Isaac Buckhout, b. Dec. 25, 1813, bap. Dec. 26, 1814 son of James Hammond & Rachel Buckhout.
578 Van Voorhis, Rachel & William - Estate Pictures, On the reverse of a picture of William is the following information "Major William Roe Van Voohis baptized April 28, 1765, died November 2, 1828, married Rachel Vail May 12, 1788".
579 Probate Records, Dutchess Co., NY, vol. H, p. 118. Petition to court on Nov. 24, 1828 indicates "William R. Van Voorhis late of Fishkill in said County [Dutchess] deceased...".
580 Parish Records - Dutch Reformed Church - Fishkill, Dutchess Co., NY.
581 D.G. Bell, Early Loyalist Saint John - The Origin of New Brunswick Politics 1783-1786 (Fredericton, NB: New Ireland Press, 1983), 228.
582 1840 U.S. census, New York Co., New York, New York City, p. 324, Nancy King; NARA microfilm publication M704, roll 307; Hester to Grand [Street]; 1 male 10 < 15 yrs, 2 females 5 < 10 yrs, 1 female 50 < 60 yrs.
583 Kenneth Scott, Coroner's Reports New York City, 1823-1842 (New York, New York: NY Genealogical & Biographical Society, 1989), XII: 15; Bookhout, William - heart disease, b. New York State, age 44 or 45, carpenter by trade. Nancy King is his sister. The inquest, Sept. 7, 1842, was held at Nancy's home, 224 Centre St., 14th Ward, NY City.
584 1850 U.S. census, Wayne Co., New York, population schedule, Sodus, p. 191B, dwelling 967, family 1011, Nancy King; NARA microfilm publication M432, roll 612; Perrine Riggs, age 45 yrs, b. NJ, Farmer, Value of Real Estate: $2,500; Eliza Riggs, age 30 yrs, b. NY; Edward Riggs, age 4 yrs, b. NY; Caroline Riggs, age 2 yrs, b. NY; Nancy King, age 63 yrs, b. NY; Emily King, age 21 yrs, b. NY.
585 1860 U.S. census, New York Co., New York, population schedule, New York City, p. 185, dwelling 491, family 1503, Nancy King; NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 821; Gustavis A. Fuller, age 33 yrs, R.R. Conductor, Personal Estate: $3,000, b. Mass; Henrietta Fuller, age 33 yrs, b. NY; Nancy King, age 74 yrs, b. NY; R.M. Harrington, age 40 yrs, Lawyear [sic], Real Estate: $16,000, Personal Estate: $7,000, b. NY; Emma Fuller, age 8 yrs, b. NY; Ellen Melone, age 21 yrs, Domestic, b. Ireland.
586 1870 U.S. census, New York Co., New York, population schedule, New York City, p. 691B, dwelling 202, Nancy King; NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 1053; 19th Election District, Ward 22, 43rd St. bet. 7 & 8th Ave. Harrington, Richard, age 40 yrs, Lawyer, b. NY; Fooler [sic - probably Fuller], Jason, age 43 yrs, b. Mass; Fooler, Henrietta, age 40 yrs, b. NY; Fooler, Emma, age 18 yrs, b. NY; Nancy King, age 84 yrs, b. NY; Lizzie McFanny, age 19 yrs, Servant, b. Ireland; Margaret Nargen [sp?], age 25 yrs, Servant, b. Ireland.
587 1870 U.S. census, New York Co., New York, population schedule, New York City, p. 826B, dwelling 172, family 333, Nancy King; NARA microfilm publication M593, roll 1011; 3rd Election District, Ward 22, next to Academy of the Holly Cross. Harrington, Richard M., age 42 yrs, Lawyer, Value of Real Estate: $20,000, b. NY; Fuller, Henrietta, age 42 yrs, b. NY; Fuller, Gustavius, age 43 yrs, City Express, b. Mass; Fuller, Emma, age 18 yrs, b. NY; Mary [error in record s/b Nancy] King, age 84 yrs, b. NY; Margaret Dogan, age 30 yrs, Domestic Servant, b. Ireland; Lizzie McElhaney, age 17 yrs, Domestic Servant, b. Ireland; .
588 Probate Records, Letters of Administration, NY County, NY, Feb. 9, 1844. Reference: 44-5-44 (Liber, Page, Bond Book), of Nancy's mother, Anna (Appleby) Buckhout, where Nancy is listed as "Nancy King, widow".
589 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), NY City, NY, Ward 10, Roll: M432_545, p. 228. indicates John was 52 yrs of age, placing his birth abt. 1798.
590 Columbian Newspaper (New York City), Oct. 1, 1818, vol. IX, issue: 2625, p. 2. List of Letters remaining in the Post-Office on the 1st of October 1818: John C. Bookhout [among many others].
591 Columbian Newspaper (New York City), Oct. 4, 1819, vol. X, issue: 2924, p. 4. List of Letters remaining in the Post-Office on the 1st of October 1819: John C. Bookhout [among many others].
592 Columbian Newspaper (New York City), April 1, 1820, vol. XI, issue: 2985, p. 2. List of Letters remaining in the Post-Office in the City of New-York, April 1, 1820: John C. Bookhout [among many others].
593 Thomas Longworth, 1822 - 1823 Longworth's New-York City Directory (New York, NY: June 25, 1822), p. 87. Bookhout, John, carpenter, 81 Orange, & Henry.
594 City of New York, Minutes of the Common Council of City of New York 1784 - 1831 (1917), vol. XII, Sept. 3, 1821 - Mar. 31, 1823, p. 713. Common Council Minutes, Feb. 17, 1823. p. 151. The following persons were appointed firemen the Chief Engineer Certifying the Vacancies – Hose Company No. 1. (among others) John Brookhout (Carpenter) 81 Orange (Residence) – New Member.
595 Thomas Longworth, 1825 - 1826 Longworth's New-York City Directory (New York, NY: 1825), p. 87. Bookhout, John, carpenter, 81 Orange.
596 City of New York, Minutes of the Common Council of City of New York 1784 - 1831 (1917), vol. XII, Sept. 3, 1821 – Mar. 31, 1823, p. 718. Common Council Minutes, May 22, 1826, p. 389. The following were appointed Firemen the Chief Engineer certifying the Vacancies. Fire Engine Co. No. 10 [among others] John Buckout - Carpenter 5th St. near Bowery. Vc Daniel McCarty - Resigned.
597 Thomas Longworth, Longworth's American Almanac, New-York Register, and City Directory (New York, NY: 1827), p. 93. Bookhout, John, carpenter 112 Orange.
598 City of New York, Minutes of the Common Council of City of New York 1784 - 1831 (1917), vol. XVI, Jan. 2, 1827 - Feb. 25, 1828, p. 309. Common Council Minutes, May 21, 1827, p. 38/9. The Chief Engineer presented the following return of Firemen which were appointed and the resignations accepted: Fire Engine Co. No. 39 (?) [among others] John Buckhout - House Carpenter 5th St. near 2d Avenue. Vc John Ellis - Time Expired.
599 Thomas Longworth, 1841 - 1842 Longworth's New-York City Directory (New York, NY: 1841), p. 111. Bookhout, John, carpenter, 105 Walker.
600 John Doggett Jr, 1843 - 1844 Doggett's New-York City Directory (New York, NY: 1843), p. 42. Bookout, John, builder, 80 Crosby.
601 Obituary Notice, NY Herald, Tues., Aug. 13, 1844, vol. X, No. 22. of daughter, Adeline A. Bookhout, lists her residence at the time of her death as 33 Mulberry St.
602 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), NY City, NY, Ward 10, Roll: M432_545, p. 228.
603 Charles R. Rode, 161 Broadway, 1854 - 1855 Rode's New-York City Directory (New York, NY: 1854), p. 81. Bookhout, John, builder, 172 Forsyth, h. 143 Suffolk.
1855 State Census, Kings County, New York, Population Schedule, Brooklyn, Ward 11, E.D. 1, dwelling 193, family 332, line 18, Bookhout, John; digital images, FamilySearch (http://www.familysearch.org : accessed 23 May 2013); Bookhout, John; age 60; married; born: N. York; Carpenter; residing in district: 3/12; native voter: Yes: Bookhout, Eliza; age 50; married; wife; born: N. York; residing in district: 3/12: Bookhout, Elizabeth; age 24; single; child; born: N. York; residing in district: 3/12: Harris, Ellen; age 23; single; niece; born: N. York; residing in district: 3/12: Smith, Emily A.; age 17; single; sister; born: N. York; residing in district: 15. They were living in a brick home, valued at $4,000.
605 Thomas Longworth, Longworth's American Almanac, New-York Register, and City Directory (New York, NY: 1827), p. 40. New-York La Fayette Fire Insurance Company. Also for Inland Navigation Pearl corner of Frankfort-street. Chartered February 14, 1825, for 21 years. Capital, 200,000 dollars, in shares of 25 dollars. Officers elected 2d Monday in May. Thomas Franklin, President, Joseph Tremain, Secretary, John Bookhout, Surveyor.
606 1855 State Census, Kings County, New York, Population Schedule, Brooklyn, Ward 11, E.D. 1, dwelling 193, family 332, line 18, Bookhout, John; digital images, FamilySearch (http://www.familysearch.org : accessed 23 May 2013); Bookhout, John; age 60; married; born: N. York; Carpenter; residing in district: 3/12; native voter: Yes: Bookhout, Eliza; age 50; married; wife; born: N. York; residing in district: 3/12: Bookhout, Elizabeth; age 24; single; child; born: N. York; residing in district: 3/12: Harris, Ellen; age 23; single; niece; born: N. York; residing in district: 3/12: Smith, Emily A.; age 17; single; sister; born: N. York; residing in district: 15. They were living in a brick home, valued at $4,000.
607 Parish Records - Madison Ave. Reformed Church - NY City (Transcribed by NYGBS, NYC: March 1921), vol. 2, p. 54. Marriage recorded: April 5, 1820 - John G (or C?) Bookhoud (sic), son of John Bookhoud, with Eliza Muston, daughter of John Muston, Wednesday evening.
608 Death Certificate, NJ State Archives. Certificate of Death: Mrs. John Bookhout age 79 yrs, 4 mo., died May 10, 1879 at Pequannock Twp, Morris Co., NJ, parents: John & Elizabeth Muston, both born: England.
609 Death Certificate, NJ State Archives. Certificate of Death: Mrs. John Bookhout age 79 yrs, 4 mo., died May 10, 1879 at Pequannock Twp, Morris Co., NJ, born: New York City.
610 Death Certificate, NJ State Archives. Certificate of Death: Mrs. John Bookhout age 79 yrs, 4 mo., died May 10, 1879 at Pequannock Twp, Morris Co., NJ.
611 Cypress Hills Cemetery Administration, "Cypress Hills Cemetery Burial Records" (Brooklyn, NY), Section 4, Lot 149, Owner: Eliza Bookhout. No. 105934 Eliza Bookhout, 5/13/1879.
612 Death Certificate, NJ State Archives. Certificate of Death: Mrs. John Bookhout age 79 yrs, 4 mo., died May 10, 1879 at Pequannock Twp, Morris Co., NJ, Cause of Death: Carcinoma (heart disease).
613 Death Certificate, NY City, Brooklyn, Certificate # 2186. of daughter, Susie (Bookhout) Watkins, provides birth location.
614 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), NY City, NY, Ward 10, Roll: M432_545, p. 228. indicates Eliza was 48 yrs old, placing her birth in abt. 1802.
615 Death Certificate, NJ State Archives. Certificate of Death: Mrs. John Bookhout age 79 yrs, 4 mo., died May 10, 1879 at Pequannock Twp, Morris Co., NJ., resident in state: 2 yrs.
616 Obituary Notice, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 12, 1879, p. 3. BOOKHOUT - Died, at Pompton, N.J., on Saturday 10th inst., Eliza, widow of John Bookhout. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, 13th inst., at 2:30 P.M., from the residence of her son in law, John O. Watkins, 1,215 Dean st., near Brooklyn av.
617 Kings Co., New York, Estate Files, 1866-1923, Bookhout, Eliza, folder no. 004,162,885; digital images, LDS Church, Family Search (www.familysearch.org : accessed 17 Dec 2011); Application filed May 28, 1879 and granted to daughter Susan A. Watkins, on June 2nd, 1879. Estate valued at not more than $1,000. Three children mentioned: Susan A. wife of John O. Watkins, residing in the City of Brooklyn; Edward Bookhout, residing at Cranford, New Jersey; and Anna Elizabeth wife of James S. Patterson, residing at Pompton, New Jersey. Eliza died May 10, 1879 at Pompton, New Jersey, while on a visit. At the time of her death she was a resident of the City of Brooklyn, NY.
618 Obituary Notice, NY Herald, Tues., Aug. 13, 1844, vol. X, No. 22. Adeline was 23 yrs, 4 mos. and 12 days old when she died on August 12, 1844. She was, therefore, likely born on March 31, 1821.
619 Obituary Notice, NY Herald, Tues., Aug. 13, 1844, vol. X, No. 22. Died: On the 12th instant, after a lingering illness, Adeline A. Bookhout, eldest daughter of John and Eliza Bookhout, aged 23 years 4 months and 12 days. The friends and relatives of the family are requested to attend her funeral this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock, from her late residence No. 33 Mulberry street.
New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 14, 12 Aug. 1844, Adeline Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1844 Aug. 12, Name: Bookhout, Adeline, Residence: 33 Mulberry, Age: 23 yrs 4 mos., Place of Nationality: NY, Disease: Consumption, Cemetery: Brick Ch., Sexton: J.S. Hunt [or Hart?]
621 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Cranford, Union Co., NJ, Enum. Dist. 91, p. 4B.
622 Burial Records, Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, NJ, p. 30. Plot Owner: Edward Bookhout, Lot 30, Section Ward C, #2: Edward Bookhout, Dec. 30, 1910.
623 1910 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Ramapo, Rockland Co., NY, Enum. Dist. 116, p. 7A. Edward Sr. does not appear in the 1920 US Census, so it is likely he died sometime in the intervening years between 1910 and 1920.
624 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 6, 19 Nov. 1827, Eliz'h Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1827 Nov. 19, Name: Bookhout, Eliz'h, Residence: Orange St., Age: 2 yrs 5 mos., Place of Nativity: NY, Disease: Hives, Cemetery: St. Marks, Sexton: W.D. Disbrowe [sp?]. From Elizabeth's date of death, her birth in June 1825 is extrapolated.
625 St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery (New York City, New York, United States), "Burial Cards," Burial of Bookhout, Elizabeth, 1827; St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, New York; Date of Burial: Nov. 19, 1827; Name: Bookhout, Elizabeth, Age: 2 yr. 9 mo., Place of Interment: Vault, Officiant: W. Creighton. Extrapolating her birth to abt. Feb. 1825.
626 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 6, 19 Nov. 1827, Eliz'h Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1827 Nov. 19, Name: Bookhout, Eliz'h, Residence: Orange St., Age: 2 yrs 5 mos., Place of Nativity: NY, Disease: Hives, Cemetery: St. Marks, Sexton: W.D. Disbrowe [sp?].
627 St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery (New York City, New York, United States), "Burial Cards," Burial of Bookhout, Elizabeth, 1827; St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, New York; Date of Burial: Nov. 19, 1827; Name: Bookhout, Elizabeth, Age: 2 yr. 9 mo., Place of Interment: Vault, Officiant: W. Creighton
628 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), NY City, NY, Ward 10, Roll: M432_545, p. 228. Anna is listed as 22 yrs of age placing her birth in about 1828.
629 Death Certificate, City of NY, Brooklyn, Certificate # 2186. derived from Susie's age at death as 68 yrs in 1902, placing her birth about 1834.
630 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), District 417, Ward 24, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, p. 16B. Watkins, Susan A., born: June 1834.
631 Death Certificate, City of NY, Brooklyn, Certificate # 2186.
632 Burial Records, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. Lot 701, Sec. 107, Susie A. Watkins, buried: Feb. 4, 1902.
633 Marriage Registers of Ontario - Northumberland Co. - 1858 - 1869, p. 31. Henry's marriage to Abigail Ryckman indicates his birthplace as "New York City" and age at marriage as 61 yrs.
634 Elisha Ely, 1827 Rochester Village Directory (Everard Peck, Printer), p. 10. List of Householders; 5th Ward; Bookaut, Henry, labourer, Andrews St.
635 "Muster Roll of the Inhabitants of the Township of Asphodel," 19 April 1822; Militia Roll, F 533-0-1-23; Roger's Family Fonds; Ontario Archives, Toronto; Bockout, Hendry [sic] No. 3 Concession: 6 Lot No.: 4
636 Newcastle District, Ontario, Canada, "1824 Land Tax Assessment Records," Henry Buckhout; Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa; Henry Buckhout, 2 milk cows
637 Government of Ontario, Municipal Records, 1824 Ontario Census: List of Inhabitants (Ontario: 1824), Percy & Seymour Twps, Newcastle District, p. 4. Census filed Apr. 13, 1824; Henry Beokhout [sic] and wife; 2 M < 16 yrs, 1 M > 16 yrs, 1 F > 16 yrs, total 4 family members.
638 Assessment Records, Percy Twp, Northumberland Co., 1833.
639 Government of Ontario, Municipal Records, 1839 Ontario Census: List of Inhabitants (Ontario: 1839), Percy Twp, Northumberland Co.
640 Government of Ontario, Municipal Records, 1840 Ontario Census: List of Inhabitants (Ontario: 1840), Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co.
641 Government of Ontario, Municipal Records, 1848 Ontario Census: List of Inhabitants (Ontario: 1848), Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., p. 114.
642 Government of Ontario, Municipal Records, 1850 Ontario Census: List of Inhabitants (Ontario: 1850), Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., p. 121.
643 1861 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., p. 54.
644 1871 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, Sub A, p. 24.
645 Assessment Records, Cramahe Twp, Newcastle District, Ont., 1844, 1845, & 1846.
646 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Carthage, Wilna Twp, Jefferson Co., NY, Enum. Dist. 48, p. 6, Dwelling No. 120, Family No. 123, Head of Household: Sheeley, Marvin. Bookhout, Stephen, Servant, white, male, birth date: June 1827, age (last birthday) 73, single, b. New York, father b. New York, mother b. New York, Farm Laborer, cannot read or write, speaks English.
647 Newcastle District, Ontario, Coroner Ingestigations & Inquests, 1821-1848, RG 22-3788, Box B270622, Levi Buckout, Death, May 27, 1844; Ontario Archives, Toronto; Near the Common School house in the 4th Concession, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., (Newcastle District): Oliver Church, Carpenter & Joiner, witnessed the accidental death of Levi who fell from a two wheeled carriage hauling a "stick of timber" and the "wheel went over his shoulder," and he died shortly thereafter.
648 United Counties of Northumberland & Durham - Court Records 1803-1955, Calendar of Prisoners: Cobourg Jail 1846-1908, Common Jail, Calendar of Prisoners Sept. 1866, Cobourg, Ont., found at the Trent University Archives, Ontario, 84-020 Box 26, Folder 1. In August of 1866, Stephen is found in the "Calendar of Prisoners" for the Common Jail in Cobourg, Ont with his step-brother Charles as follows: #23: Charles Buckout, age 18, born: Canada, crime: Felony, whom committed: O. A. Carpenter, date committed: Aug. 9, 1866; # 35: Stephen Buckout, age 40, born: S. N. York, crime: Assault, whom committed: O. A. Carpenter, date committed: Aug. 29, 1866, remarks: Sentenced.
649 Lowville Vital Statistics, "The Marriages, Births and Deaths for 1918," Black River Democrat, January 2, 1919, p. 1; digital images; Deaths in Town Outside of Village. Mar. 8 -- Stephen Bookhout, 92.
650 The Watertown Re-Union (Watertown, Jefferson Co., NY), Saturday, July 7, 1901; p. 7. Article entitled: "Thought his Father was Dead" in which Charles Bookhout, of Rochester, discovers his father, Stephen Bookhout, alive and well working as a farm labourer in Pinckney, Lewis Co., NY.
651 Lowville, Lewis Co., New York, Death Certificate (1918), Stephen Bookhout; Town of Lowville - Town Clerk / Registrar, Lowville; Stephen Bookhout, d. Mar. 8, 1918, age 92 yrs, widower, labourer, buried Mar. 11, 1918 at Potter's Field
652 "Thought His Father Was Dead," The Watertown Re-Union, July 7, 1901, p. 7, col. 5; digital images, Northern New York Library (http://news.nnyln.net : accessed 21 Sep 2010), Historical Newspapers; Charles Bookhout, of Rochester, discovers his father, Stephen Bookhout, alive and well working as a farm labourer in Pinckney, Lewis Co., NY.
653 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1930-09-442397. Of son, Robert Bookhout, indicates parents as Henry Bookhout and Agnes Miller.
654 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 007789. Married: April 17, 1875, via license, at Peterborough, Ontario; Charles Bookhout, age 26, residing Emily [Twp in Victoria Co., Ont.], born Ontario, Bachelor, Labourer, Parents: Henry & Agnes; married: Margaret Laplante, age 24, residing Bobcaygeon [Victoria Co., Ont.], born Quebec, Widow, Parents: Francis & Mary. Officiant: Charles Fish; Witnesses: John E. Rule & Alvira L. Fish, of Peterborough.
655 Marriage Registers of Ontario - Northumberland Co. - 1858 - 1869, vol. 39, p. 13-14. Groom: Jas. Keeler, age 21, residing Cramahe, born: unknown, parents: Martin & Mrs. Keeler; Bride: Adeline Bookhout, age 16, residing Cramahe, born: Brighton, parents: Henry & Nancy; witnesses: Peter & Sarah Moore, residence: Cramahe, date of marriage: Dec. 17, 1861.
656 Marriage Registers of Upper Cda/West - Newcastle - 1810 - 1848, Page 65. Vol. #7, Part I, (1996, Ref. 929.3713 W178).
657 Government of Ontario, Municipal Records, 1850 Ontario Census: List of Inhabitants (Ontario: 1850), Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., p. 124. Line #15: Henry Bookhout family - assuming the married female "40 and not yet 60" is Agnes Bookhout, her birth would have been bet. 1791 and 1810. Given she had a son, Robert Emmerson Bookhout, in Feb. 1851, it is most likely Agnes was born closer to 1810.
658 Marriage Registers of Ontario - Northumberland Co. - 1858 - 1869, microfilm copy, vol. 39, p. 8. Book: Volume 9 (Ref. 929.3713 C855): Henry Bookhout, age 61, residence: Cramahe, birth: United States, parents: John & Anna; Mary E. Ryckman, age 48, residence: Cramahe, birth: Hollowell, parents: Edward & Mary; witnesses: Amanda & Wm [?] Edwards of Cramahe. Date: March 5, 1861.
659 Marriage Registers of Ontario - Newcastle District - 1838 - 1852.
660 1901 Canada Census, Finch Twp, Stormont Co., Ont., Sub Dist. C-4, p. 11.
661 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 031810. of wife, Margaret Bookhout, who indicates her marital status as "married" at the time of her death Dec. 19, 1923.
662 Marriage Registers of Ontario - Northumberland Co. - 1858 - 1869, vol. 39, p. 13-14. Adeline's age, when she was married on Dec. 17, 1861, was listed as 16 yrs, placing her birth in abt. 1845.
663 Cemetery Inscriptions, Shiloh Cemetery, Cramahe Twp. Adeline's gravestone indicates her year of birth as 1846.
664 1881 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub. Div. A-2, p. 34. Keeler, Adlade [sic], age 36 yrs, married, German, Episcopal Methodist, placing her birth in about 1845.
665 Death Certificate, Ontario Reg. # 012231.
666 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 007789. Age listed at marriage in 1875 is 26 years, placing Charles' birth in approximately 1849. His parents are noted as Henry & Agnes.
667 1861 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., p. 54. Charles' "age at next birthday" appears to be "13" but it is very difficult to read.
668 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 007789. Margaret's age upon marriage in April 1875 was 24 years, placing her birth in 1851.
669 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 007789.
670 1881 Canada Census, Peterborough, Peterborough Co., Ont., District 126, Sub A-3, p. 63.
671 Marriage Certificate, Margaret Buckout, of Peterborough, is listed as a witness to the marriage of William A. Hill of Peterborough and Bella Taman (Tanian?), also of Peterborough, on Nov. 30, 1898.
672 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 007789. indicates religion as Methodist.
673 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1930-09-442397. Bookhout, Robert Emmerson; Widowed; date of birth: Feb. 16, 1851; born: Ontario; age at death: 79 yrs, 1 mo., 18 days. Parents: Henry Bookhout & Agnes Miller. Usual residence: Nelson, BC; At place of death: 1 yr, 11 mo. 7 days. Cause of death; Senile Dementia. Died: Apr. 3, 1930 at Essondale, Mental Facility. Burial; Apr. 5, 1930 at New Westminster, BC.
674 B.C. Cemetery Finding Aid.
675 Sharon Lutz Family Tree, Mary's last name was provided in an email dated Feb. 21, 2002.
676 Sharon Lutz Family Tree, Mary's birth date was provided in an email dated Feb. 22, 2002.
677 Marriage Registers of Ontario - Northumberland Co. - 1858 - 1869, microfilm copy, vol. 39, p. 8. Book: Volume 9 (Ref. 929.3713 C855), provides Mary's birth location as Hallowell and her age at marriage in 1861 as 48 yrs.
678 Marriage Registers of Ontario - Northumberland Co. - 1858 - 1869, p. 31. Feb. 5, 1864: Henry Bookout, 61 yrs, of Cramahe, born NY City, son of John & Anne Bookout, marries Abigail Ryckman, 39 yrs, of Cramahe, born Cramahe, dau. of John & Polly Polmateer, witnesses: John Peterson, Cramahe, & C.R. Webster, Hilton.
679 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, p. 45-46. Feb. 5, 1864: Henry Bookout, age 61yrs, of Brighton, born New York City, son of John & Anne Bookout, married Abigail Ryckman, age 39 yrs of Brighton, born Cramahe Twp, daughter of John & Polly Palmateer, witnesses: John Peterson & C.R. Webster, of Brighton.
680 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, p. 45, Marriage Register 1836-1869. Abigail (Polmateer) Ryckman was listed as 39 yrs old when she married Henry Bookhout in 1864.
681 1871 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, Sub A, p. 24. Henry is a "71 yr old, Widower, Laborer" living with Matthias McCoy and family in this census. Abigail has to have died prior to the census in 1871.
682 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, p. 45, Marriage Register 1836-1869.
683 1871 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, p. 24. Mary Buckout is living with Joseph & Amanda Cunningham family as a 6 yr old child.
684 1901 Canada Census, Orangeville, Centre Wellington, Ont., Sub Dist. H-4, p. 9. Annie's birth is given as Nov. 18, 1863 in Ontario (rural).
685 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Adm. of Estate of William Blizard, late of Wickham, granted to Widow, Margaret, June 9, 1824 (Queens Co. Probate Records B: 105).
686 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Horatio Nelson [Blizard], bp. Apr. 7, 1811.
687 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Horatio Nelson [Blizard], bp. April 7, 1811.
688 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Horatio Nelson [Blizard], bp. Apr. 7, 1811; m. Elizabeth Hendry, March 19, 1831.
689 R. Wallace Hale, Queens County New Brunswick Marriages Volume A 1812-1861 (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1986), 29; Blizard, Horatio of Wickham and Hendry, Elizabeth of same - w. [witnesses] A.B. McDonald & John Caldwell - 19 March 1831
690 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". William [Blizard] bp. April 27, 1814.
691 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". William [Blizard], bp. April 27, 1814; m. Elizabeth Goff, of Fredericton, Jan. 7, 1840.
692 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". William [Blizard], bp April 27, 1814; m. Elizabeth Goff, of Fredericton, Jan. 7, 1840.
693 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Henry [Blizard], b. June 16, 1815.
694 R. Wallace Hale, Queens County New Brunswick Marriages Volume A 1812-1861 (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1986), 102; Blizard, Henry of Waterborough and Porter, Mary Jane of same - w. [witnesses] John Hopley & John Porter - 20 March 1844
695 Probate Records, St. John Co., NB, D: 323.
696 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Capt. William, b. ca. 1789; m. Sarah Robinson, dau. of Patrick and Sally (Hattan) Robinson, July 2, 1814.
697 NB Genealogical Society, New Brunswick Vital Statistics from Newspapers 1784-1815 (Fredericton, NB: 1982), p. 93. "City Gazette," July 4, 1814; "m. Saturday eve. last, by Rev. Pidgeon, Capt. William Bookhout / Miss Sarah Robertson, both of this city".
698 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), The New Brunswick "First Families" archive records, Manscript Collection (MC3047), MS2D, Item 5 Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas notes - "Miscellaneous Records". Rebecca Ann Bookhout, dau. of Wm and Sarah, bp. 29 Sept. 1818; m. George Langan, Jan. 2, 1838.
699 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 7 1837-1838 (Fredericton, NB: 1984), p. 48. "New Brunswick Courier," Jan. 6, 1838; #751 m. Theusday [sic] eve., by Rev. Wilson, George E. LANGEN / Miss Rebecca BOOKHOUT, both of this city. (St. John Co.).
700 R. Wallace Hale, Queens County New Brunswick Marriages Volume A 1812-1861 (Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 1986), 102; [BOOKHOUT], William James of St. John & PORTER, Phebe E. of Waterborough - w: John Hopley & John Porter - 20 March 1844
701 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), The New Brunswick "First Families" archive records, Manscript Collection (MC3047), MS2D, Item 5 Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas notes - "Miscellaneous Records". William J. Bookhout and Phoebe Porter, married March 20, 1844. Their children were: Annie, m. R.J. McAdoo, of St. John; Charlotte, unm; George, m. (?) Cooper, of Fredericton; May, m. [handwritten note in margin: Son of William Bookhout and Sarah Robinson] William Bookhout died June 11, 1873, aged 55. [placing his birth abt. 1817-1818].
702 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". James, b. ca. 1793; m. Sarah Schurman, July 29, 1815.
703 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". James, b. ca. 1793; m. Sarah Schurman, July 29, 1815; d. St. John, Feb. 21, 1830, age 37. Seven children. His widow d. St. John, Jan. 1873, age 79 [placing her birth about 1793-1794].
704 Ruby M. Cusack, Yesteryear "Marriages" Register "D" St. John County New Brunswick, 1847-1853 (St. John, NB), p. 189. #4121 Charles W. COX/Susan A. BOOKHOUT, both of St. John, 22 Sept. (1852) A McL. Stanley. Wit: Mark Powers, Henry Bookhout.
705 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 14 1852-1854 (St. John, N.B.: 1986), p. 13. "New Brunwsick Courier," Sept. 25, 1852; #252 m. 22nd inst., by Rev. Alex. McLeod Slavely, Charles W. COX / Miss Susan A. BOOKHOUT both of (St. John) city.
706 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 15 1854-1856 (St. John, N.B.: 1986), p. 19. "Weekly Chronicle," Sept. 15, 1854; #394 d. 11th inst., Henry H. Bookhout, age 28.
707 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 15 1854-1856 (St. John, N.B.: 1986), p. 31. "Morning News," Sept. 13, 1854; #623 d. 11th inst., Henry H. Bookhout, age 28. Funeral Wednesday half past 3 o'clock from his brother's residence Mecklenburg St. (St. John).
708 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2D, Item #5, "John Bookhout, of Saint John, N.B., and Some of his Family". Mary Jane, who married George Nixon, Oct. 29, 1851.
709 Ruby M. Cusack, Yesteryear "Marriages" Register "D" St. John County New Brunswick, 1847-1853 (St. John, NB), p. 164. #3880 George NIXON, bachelor/Mary (signed Mary Jane) BOOKHOUT, spinster, St. John, 29 Sept. 1851, R. Cooney. Wit: David/Daniel (Brothers), Samuel Parry, Susanna Bookhout.
710 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Oshtemo, Kalamazoo, MI, Roll: 432_353, p. 60.
711 Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (Sunset Press & Photo Engraving Co; 1903), p. 1383. She [Elizabeth] died in Kalamazoo, Mich., 9 June 1890.
712 1860 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Castile, Wyoming Co., NY, Roll M653_884, p. 23.
713 Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (Sunset Press & Photo Engraving Co; 1903), p. 1383. Romine Hyatt Buckhout, b. in Oshtemo, 12 May, 1844.
714 Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (Sunset Press & Photo Engraving Co; 1903), p. 1383. Oscar Kellogg Buckhout, b. in Oshtemo, 25 July, 1846.
715 Timothy Hopkins, The Kelloggs in the Old World and the New (Sunset Press & Photo Engraving Co; 1903), p. 1383. Susan Elizabeth Buckhout, b. in Oshtemo, 9 May, 1848.
716 Probate Records, Cayuga Co., NY, vol. M. p. 286-291. of father, Jacob Buckhout, in which he indicates Eunice & Chauncey I. Button's residence at Eastown, Washington Co., NY.
717 Cemetery Inscriptions - Elmwood - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Button, Chauncey I., husband of Eunicy Buckhout, died Nov. 19, 1906, born Mar 8, 1823, buried: Elmwood Cemetery, town: Schaghticoke.
718 Cemetery Inscriptions - Elmwood - Schaghticoke, Rensselaer Co., NY, Button, Carrie Ida, parents: Eunicy Buckhout & Chauncey Button, died Sept. 3, 1862, age 1 yr, buried: Elmwood Cemetery, town: Schaghticoke.
719 Probate Records, Cayuga Co., NY, vol. M. p. 286-291. of father, Jacob Buckhout, in which Abraham, Executor, petitions the Surrogate Court and indicates his residence at Oswego, Oswego Co., NY on May 22, 1858.
720 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Henry Bradford Nason, Biographical Record of the Officers & Graduates of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1824-1866 (1887), p. 349. Nathan White Buckhout, C.E., son of Abraham and M.A. (White) Buckhout, was born at Oswego, Oswego County, N.Y., May 16th 1842.
721 Jean E. Buckhout Family Tree, Email dated May 18, 1999 outlines Philip H. Buckhout and descendants.
722 Cemetery Inscriptions - Evergreen or Scipioville Cemetery - Ledyard, Cayuga Co., NY, Buckhout, Betsey b. June 30, 1818 d. Oct. 6, 1899 "Mother".
723 Jean E. Buckhout Family Tree, Email dated May 18, 1999 outlines Philip H. Buckhout and descendants.
724 Probate Records, Cayuga Co., NY wills, vol. 30, p. 579-582. Philip H. Buckhout, father's will, indicates Byron B., his son, is living in East Saginaw Co., MI at the time of writing his will, Sept. 4, 1882.
725 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389.
726 Miss Irma Mae Griffen, Roxbury Town Historian, Genealogical Index of Delaware County Bookhouts (Typewritten, Unpublished), provides Lucy Caroline Hull's birth date as Sept. 5, 1812 (no location) and death date as Sept. 22, 1884 in Roxbury, NY.
727 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, Lucy C. aged 42 yrs, widow, born Delaware Co.
728 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, Lucy C. aged 42 yrs, with children: Rosanna, aged 9 yrs; Talman C., aged 15 yrs; Isaac C., aged 18 yrs; Mary C., aged 17 yrs; Osborn S., aged 9 yrs; John, aged 6 yrs; James W., aged 5 yrs.
729 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. Nancy J. Bookhout, age 18 yrs.
730 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. Sabra Ann Bookhout, age 17 yrs.
731 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. Elizabeth Bookhout, aged 16 yrs.
732 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Isaac S. Bookhout, aged 18 yrs, placing his birth about 1837.
733 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. William Bookhout, aged 13 yrs.
734 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, Mary C. aged 17 yrs, placing her birth about 1838.
735 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. Mary Bookhout, aged 12 yrs.
736 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, Talman C. aged 15 yrs, placing his birth about 1840.
737 Thomas N. Bookhout Family Tree, provides date of birth as Nov. 28, 1841 and location as Roxbury, NY.
738 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. Talman Bookhout, aged 9 yrs.
739 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Walton, Delaware Co., NY, Dist. 34, p. 1A. Bookhout, Tallman, b. Nov 1841, married 33 yrs, owns home as freeholder, living 8 Benton Ave.
740 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Walton, Delaware Co., NY, Dist. 34, p. 1A-1B. Bookhout, Tallman & Bookhout, Ellen, married 33 yrs.
741 Thomas N. Bookhout Family Tree, provides Ellen's full name, date of birth, abt. May 1847, and location in Ashland, Greene Co., NY.
742 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Walton, Delaware Co., NY, Dist. 34, p. 1B. Bookhout, Ellen, b. May 1847, married 33 yrs, 3 children/3 living.
743 1880 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Walton, Delaware Co., NY, Dist. 84, p. 41. Bookhout, Ellen A., age 27 yrs.
744 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Walton, Delaware Co., NY, Dist. 34, p. 1B.
745 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. George Bookhout, aged 7 yrs.
746 "Death of Aged Woman," Catskill Mountain News, May 14, 1937, p. 10, col. 2; digital images, Northern New York Library - Catskill Moutain News (http://history.catskill.net/ : accessed 1 Sep 2011), Historical Society of the Town of Middletown; About 1917, they [Adelia & George] moved to this village [Roxbury], where Mr. Bookhout passed away the following year, April 3, 1918.
747 "Death of Aged Woman," Catskill Mountain News, May 14, 1937, p. 10, col. 2; digital images, Northern New York Library - Catskill Moutain News (http://history.catskill.net/ : accessed 1 Sep 2011), Historical Society of the Town of Middletown; She [Adelia Bouton] was married to George H. Bookhout on December 24, 1873.
748 "Death of Aged Woman," Catskill Mountain News, May 14, 1937, p. 10, col. 2; digital images, Northern New York Library - Catskill Moutain News (http://history.catskill.net/ : accessed 1 Sep 2011), Historical Society of the Town of Middletown; Mrs. Bookhout's maiden name was Adelia A. Bouton. She was born August 28, 1850, at Stamford, the daughter of Anson Bouton and Eliza (Craft) Bouton.
749 "Death of Aged Woman," Catskill Mountain News, May 14, 1937, p. 10, col. 2; digital images, Northern New York Library - Catskill Moutain News (http://history.catskill.net/ : accessed 1 Sep 2011), Historical Society of the Town of Middletown; Roxbury lost another of its oldest citizens when Mrs. Adelia A. Bookhout passed away Saturday afternoon. [May 8, 1937]
750 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, Osborn S. aged 9 yrs, placing his birth about 1846.
751 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. O. Steel Bookhout, aged 4 yrs.
752 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, Rosanna aged 9 yrs, placing her birth about 1846.
753 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. Rosanna Bookhout, aged 3 yrs.
754 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, John aged 6 yrs, placing his birth about 1849.
755 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. John Bookhout, aged 1 yr.
756 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Dallas, TX, Enum. Dist. 100, Ward 3, p. B-1. John & Mary, married 24 yrs in the Census, placing their date of marriage abt. 1876.
757 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #207 Bookhout, James W. aged 5 yrs, placing his birth about 1850.
758 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. John Bookhout, age 40, listed with wife Chloe, age 27; dau. Emma, age 2; and likely niece, Betsy White.
759 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #209 Bookhout, John aged 45 yrs; Bookhout, Chloe aged 33 yrs; Bookhout, Polly, aged 4 yrs; White, Polly, aged 56 yrs mother-in-law.
760 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #209 Bookhout, John aged 45 yrs; Bookhout, Chloe aged 33 yrs; Bookhout, Polly, aged 4 yrs; White, Polly, aged 56 yrs mother-in-law. Chloe further indicates her birth place as Delaware Co.
761 Roxbury Town Clerk, Vital Records (Roxbury, NY), Deaths 1863, 3rd Election District. Chloe Bookhout, Date: Sept. 1, Age: 35, Female/White, Farmer's Wife, Nationality: American, Cause: Typhoid Fever, Head of Family: John Bookhout 2d.
762 1850 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, p. 389. Emma is listed with her parents, John & Chloe Bookhout, aged 2 yrs.
763 New York. Delaware County, 1855 New York State Census (Delaware Co., NY: 1855), Roxbury, Delaware Co., NY, Enum. District #3. #209 Bookhout, Polly aged 4 yrs, placing her birth about 1851. The details also indicate Polly was born in Delaware Co., and that she has been residing at 'this city or town' for 4 years.
764 Woodlawn Cemetery Administration, "Woodlawn Cemetery Burial Records" (Bronx, NY).
765 1850 U.S. census, Kings Co., New York, population schedule, Williamsburgh, p. 388A, dwelling 499, family 861, Edwd Bookhout; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 16 Mar 2012); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M432, roll 522; Edwd Bookhout, age 30 yrs, male, Engraver, Value of Real Estate: $1200, born: N.Y; Eliza Bookhout, age 28 yrs, female, born: N.Y; Edwd Bookhout, age 4 yrs, male, born: N.Y; Charles Bookhout, age 2 yrs, male, born: N.Y.
1850 U.S. census, New York Co., New York, population schedule, New York City, p. 104B, dwelling 670, family 1486, Edward Buckhout household; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 16 Mar 2012); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M432, roll 539;
767 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 20, 20 Mar. 1854, John Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1854 March 20; Name: Bookhout, John [son of Edward & Margery], residence: 53 Clinton, age: 1 yr 10 m. 2 days, born: NY, cause of death: Cournlesions [?], Cemetery: Greenwood.
768 Obituary Notice, New York Times, Feb. 1, 1864, p. 5. Died - Bookhout - On Saturday, Jan. 30, Isaac Finch, infant son of Edward and Margery A.T. Bookhout. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, at the residence of his parents, No. 276 North 2d-st., near Lorimer-st., Williamsburgh, on Monday, Feb. 1, at 2 o'clock p.m.
769 1870 U.S. census, Kings Co., New York, population schedule, Brooklyn, p. 210, dwelling 891, family 1713, Bookhout, Edward; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 5 Aug 2012); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M593, roll 954; 13th Ward; Williamsburgh PO - Bookhout, Edward; age 47; Engraver on Wood; b. New York; Bookhout, Margery; age 47; b. New York; Bookhout, Edward; age 23; Engraver on Wood; b. New York; Bookhout, Charles; age 22; Engraver on Wood; b. New York; Bookhout, Kate; age 7; attended school within the year; b. New York
770 1910 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Ramapo, Rockland Co., NY, Enum. Dist. 116, p. 7A.
771 Geo. T. Lain, 1877 Brooklyn City & Business Directory 285; digital images, Ancestry.com http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 25 Mar 2012; Finch, Phoebe B. wid. Isaac D. h r 209 ed E.D.
772 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Cranford, Union Co., NJ, Enum. Dist. 91, p. 4B. Edward & Margery are listed as having been married 55 yrs in 1900, placing their marriage in abt. 1845.
773 Claude E. Thummel, Descendants of John Finch of Connecticut (N.p.: n.p., Sept. 1, 1965), 325; FHL Microfilm 1,421,668, item 7; Margaret [Finch], born 1822; married Edward Bookout.
New Jersey State Department of Health, Death Certificate 12360 (1903), Margery A. T. Bookhout; New Jersey Dept of Health & Senior Svcs, Vital Records, Trenton; age 80 years 4 mos. 24 days; died 24 May 1903 at Cranford, Union Co., NJ
775 Obituary Notice, New York Times, Sun., May 31, 1903, p. 18. BOOKHOUT - May 24, at Cranford, N.J., Margery A.T., wife of Edward Bookhout, aged 80 years.
776 Burial Records, Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, NJ, p. 30. Plot Owner: Edward Bookhout, Lot 30, Section Ward C, #1: Margery A.T. Bookhout, May 24, 1903.
777 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Cranford, Union Co., NJ, Enum. Dist. 91, p. 4B. Bookhout, Margery T.; b. Dec 1823 NY; age last birthday 77 yrs; married 55 yrs; 3 children born & living, wife of Bookhout, Edward.
778 1850 U.S. census, New York Co., New York, population schedule, New York City, p. 104B, dwelling 670, family 1486, Edward Buckhout household; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 16 Mar 2012); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M432, roll 539.
779 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 20, 20 Mar. 1854, John Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1854 March 20; Name: Bookhout, John [son of Edward & Margery]; Residence: 53 Clinton; Age: 1 yr 10 m. 2 days; Born: NY; Cause of Death: Cournlesions [?]; Cemetery: Greenwood.
780 Obituary Notice, New York Times, Wed., March 21, 1854, p. 8. In this City, on Monday, March 20, John, youngest son of Edward and Margery A. F. [sic] Bookhout, aged 1 year 10 months and 1 day. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from No. 143 Suffolk-st., N.Y., this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 1/2 o'clock.
781 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 20, 20 Mar. 1854, John Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1854 March 20; Name: Bookhout, John; Residence: 53 Clinton, Age: 1 yr 10 m. 2 days; Born: NY; Cause of death: Cournlesions [?], Cemetery: Greenwood.
782 New York, NY. Department of Health, Manhattan Death Registers, 1795-1865 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), v. 20, 20 Mar. 1843, John Bookhout. Entry Details: Date of Decease: 1854 March 20; Name: Bookhout, John; Residence: 53 Clinton; Age: 1 yr 10 m. 2 days; Born: NY; cause of death: Cournlesions [?]; Cemetery: Greenwood.
783 Green-Wood Cemetery (Brooklyn, New York), Burial Records, citing Isaac F. Bookhout; The Green-Wood Cemetery records include Isaac's death on Jan. 30, 1864 and his age as 9 mos. 29 days, placing his birth on May 1, 1863.
784 Cypress Hills Cemetery Administration, "Cypress Hills Cemetery Burial Records" (Brooklyn, NY), Section 4, Lot 149, Owner: Eliza Bookhout. No. 55855 John Bookhout & No. 55856 Isaac D [F?] Bookhout, c, 4/14/1866; removed from Greenwood, gr. 8.
785 "Died," New York Times, July 11, 1923; digital images, Ancestry.com (www.Ancestry.com : accessed 28 Dec 2011), Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage & Death Announcements, 1851-2003; BOOKHOUT - At Paterson, N.J., on Tuesday, July 10, 1923, Edward, beloved husband of Caroline Hughes Bookhout. Services on Wednesday, July 11, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas A. Dingman, 330 Broadway, Paterson at 2 P.M. Interment at Westfield, N.J.
786 Burial Records, Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, NJ, p. 30. Plot Owner: Edward Bookhout, Lot 30, Section Ward C, #4: Edward Bookhout, July 10, 1923.
787 "Marriages and Deaths," New York Herald, March 2, 1877, p. 8; digital images; Bookhout - Van Cleef - At Pequannock, N.J., on February 28, by the Rev. J.H. Whitehead, Edward Bookhout Jr., to Carrie H., daughter of John Van Cleef.
788 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Cranford, Union Co., NJ, Enum. Dist. 91, p. 4B. Edward & Caroline indicate they've been married for 23 yrs in 1900, placing their marriage in abt. 1877.
789 Passaic Co., New Jersey, Marriage Registers, 1848-1900, BS: 189, Bookhout-Van Cleef; FHL microfilm 494,159.
790 Burial Records, Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, NJ, p. 30. Plot Owner: Edward Bookhout, Lot 30, Section Ward C, #5: Caroline H. Bookhout, Jan. 9, 1936.
791 Obituary Notice, New York Times, July 4, 1920, p. 17. Died - Bookhout, Charles H., in Ridgewood, N.J. Services at the Fairview Cemetery Chapel, Cranford, N.J., Sunday, July 4, at 2 P.M.
792 Burial Records, Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, NJ, p. 30. Plot Owner: Edward Bookhout, Lot 30, Section Ward C, #3: Charles H. Bookhout, July 3, 1920.
New York, NY. Department of Health. Dept of Vital Statistics, Register of Marriages, NY City, 1829-1887 (New York Co., NY Vital Records), Marriages, 1854. Date of Marriage: 1854 June 21, Male: Watkins, John O., Single, Native: N.Y., Age: 21 yrs, Residence: 21 Henry [St.], White; Female: Susan Bookhout, Single, Native: N.Y., Age: 22 yrs, Residence 143 Suffolk [St.], White; Married by: Rev. T. J. Sawyer, Residence: Collamun [sp?] House
794 1860 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), NY Co., NY, 4th Division, 9th Ward, p. 253.
795 1870 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, 7th Ward, p. 122.
796 1880 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, Enum. Dist. 239, p. 15.
797 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), District 417, Ward 24, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, p. 16B.
798 New York Herald, June 27, 1854, Whole No. 6516, Marriages. On Wednesday, June 21, by the Rev. T.J. Sawyer, D.D., J. Osmer Watkins to Miss Susan A., youngest daughter of John Bookhout, Esq., all of this city.
799 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), District 417, Ward 24, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, p. 16B. Watkins, John O., born: Aug. 1832.
800 Burial Records, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. Lot 701, Sec. 107, John O. Watkins, buried Feb. 14, 1902.
801 Death Certificate, City of NY, Brooklyn, Certificate # 2186. of wife, Susie A. (Bookhout) Watkins.
802 1880 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, Enum. Dist. 239, p. 15. John B. is 24 yrs old in this census placing his birth about 1856.
803 Obituary Notice, NY Times, July 7, 1919. John Bookhout Watkins, President of the John B. Watkins Company, printers, at 9 Murray Street, died Saturday [July 5] at his home, 749 West End Avenue. Mr. Watkins was 63 years old. He had been in the printing business for thirty-eight years.
804 1870 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, 7th Ward, p. 122. Fanny is 12 yrs old in this census placing her birth about 1858.
805 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), District 417, Ward 24, Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, p. 16B. Watkins, Wilson D., born: July 1860.
806 Burial Records, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. Lot 701, Section 107, Wilson D. Watkins, buried Aug. 9, 1928.
807 Burial Records, Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. Lot 701, Sec. 107, Wilson D. Watkins, buried Aug. 9, 1928.
808 1870 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, 7th Ward, p. 122. James is 8 yrs old in this census placing his birth about 1862.
809 1880 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY, Enum. Dist. 239, p. 15. Edward S. is 11 yrs old in this census placing his birth about 1868.
810 1861 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Enum. District #2, p. 65. Stephen's birth year is based on age, 34 yrs, in census return.
Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, p. 29-30. Bridegroom: Stephen Bookout, age 22, residing Cramahe, born Murray, parents: Henry & Mrs. Bookout, Bride: Phebe Jane Herrington, age 19, residing [not listed], born Murray, parents: Jacob & Mrs. Herrington, witnesses: James Simpson & J. Ryckman, of Murray, date of marriage: Feb. 3rd, 1850.
812 1861 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Enum. District #2, p. 65.
813 Government of Ontario, Municipal Records, 1850 Ontario Census: List of Inhabitants (Ontario: 1850), Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., p. 26.
814 1851 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Part 2, p. 93.
815 1871 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, p. 46.
816 1910 U.S. census, Lewis Co., New York, population schedule, Lowville, enumeration district (ED) 87, p. 19A; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T624, roll 986; Alms House, [among others] Bookhout, Steven, Inmate, Male, White, 83 yrs old, Widower, born: New York, father born: New York, mother born: New York, able to read & write, speaks English.
817 United Counties of Northumberland & Durham - Court Records 1803-1955, Calendar of Prisoners: Cobourg Jail 1846-1908, Fonds 84-020 Box 26 Folder 1. Calendar of Prisoners for Quarter Sessions September 1866. No. 35, Stephen Buckout, age 40, birth place: S. N. York, Crime: Assault, By Whom Commited: H.Squire, date of Com't: Aug. 29, 1866, Remarks: sentenced.
818 "Criminal Matters," The Journal & Republican, Oct. 17, 1901, p. 5, col. 6; digital images, Northern New York Library Network (http://news.nnyln.net/ : accessed 10 Sep 2009), Northern New York Historical Newspapers; Stephen pleaded guilty to charge of rape and was sentenced by the grand jury to one year in the Onondaga Penitentiary.
819 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, 1850, p. 30. of daughter, Phebe Jane, lists parents as Jacob & Mrs. Herrington.
820 1861 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. age indicates birth about 1828.
821 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, 1850, p. 30. age at marriage appears to be 19 yrs.
822 1861 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont.
823 1891 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. E-3, p. 4. Phoebe is residing with her daughter, Eliza, and husband, David McCoy.
824 1851 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Part 2. E. Ann appears as a child of 1, placing her birth about 1850.
825 1901 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub District A-4, p. 6.
826 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 023632.
827 Brian Tackaberry, Cemetery Inscriptions, McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Quinte Branch OGS, Transcribed September 1, 1990), p. 10.
828 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. #024678. of daughter, Harriett Louise (Delong) Bookhout, who died June 6, 1934. Her parents are listed as Thomas Delong, born in Ireland (?), and Ann McGreggor, born in Ontario. The informant was her brother-in-law, Ezra McNalley of Orland.
829 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008669.
830 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. #024678. Harriett's date of birth is listed as June 3, 1866, the informant was her brother-in-law, Ezra McNalley.
831 Brian Tackaberry, Cemetery Inscriptions, McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Quinte Branch OGS, Transcribed September 1, 1990), p. 10. Fred Bookout 1856-1921 Harriet L. 1866-1934.
832 Mr. Latimer, General Store, Latimer's Photo Album (Orland, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Two Volumes), Hattie's date of death was indicated in one of these photo albums. Information from Bill Mills, a local historian, who found the albums in Codrington.
833 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. #024678. Bookhout, Harriet Louise, died June 6, 1934, in the Village of Orland, 7th Concession, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ontario.
834 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. #024678. Harriett Bookhout was buried on June 8, 1934 at McPhail's Cemetery in Brighton, Ont.
835 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. #024678.
836 1901 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub. A-4, p. 6.
837 1901 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub District A-4, p. 6. the year of birth is difficult to read.
838 Obituary Notice, Democrat & Chronicle, Rochester, NY, Sun., May 28, 1926. CAMPBELL---Entered into rest in this city, Friday morning, May 28, 1926, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Eliza CAMPBELL. She is survived by one son, Earl McCOY; three brothers, Levi, Charles and Pitkin BOOKHOUT; two sisters, Mrs. Emma WILSON and Mrs. Rose MEECH; two grandchildren, Harold and George McCOY. Funeral will take place at Mooney & Sons, No. 93 Edinburgh street, on Tuesday morning at 10:30 o’clock. Interment in Mount Hope cemetery.
839 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. Libre 13/Folio 298. of daughter, Susan Jane McCoy.
840 1891 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. E-3, p. 4.
841 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008396.
842 1871 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, p. 24.
843 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008744. David dies sometime before his wife remarries, on Nov. 30, 1894, to Harnden Purdy.
844 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008744.
845 1901 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub A-4, p. 7.
846 1861 Canada Census, Brighton Twp, Northubmerland Co., Ont., Enum. District #2, p. 65.
847 Marriage Certificate, Michigan Reg. # 00994, Polly Bookhout Family Tree Files.
848 Marriage Certificate, Michigan Reg. # 00994, Polly Bookhout Family Tree Files. Provides birth location in England.
849 1910 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Fitchburg Twp, Dane Co., WI, Roll 1708, Book 1, p. 219. indicates Caroline is 40 yrs of age placing her birth in approximately 1870.
850 1910 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Fitchburg Twp, Dane Co., WI, Roll 1708, Book 1, p. 219.
851 Alberta Genealogical Society, Alberta Homestead Files 1870 - 1930 (2005), File # 1596779, Charles Henry Bookhout. provides Charles' full name.
852 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1943-09-626674.
853 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008907.
854 Alberta Genealogical Society, Alberta Homestead Files 1870 - 1930 (2005), File # 1596779, Charles Henry Bookhout. Pitkin Gross Bookhout is listed as the applicant and signed affidavit on behalf of his brother, Charles, for a homestead land grant June 6, 1908.
855 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), Superior City, Douglas Co., WI, 4th Ward, Book 1, p. 123. indicates birth as Aug. 1863.
856 1920 US Census, Everett, Snohomish Co., WA, Roll: T625_1938, Enum. Dist. 142, p. 1B. provides Una's age as 34 yrs at last birthday in 1920, census taken on Jan. 2, 1920, places birth most likely in 1886.
857 1920 US Census, Everett, Snohomish Co., WA, Roll: T625_1938, Enum. Dist. 142, p. 1B.
858 1871 Canada Census, Finch Twp, Stormont Co., Ont., Sub. B-1, p. 50.
859 1881 Canada Census, Finch Twp, Stormont Co., Ont., Sub Dist: B-2, p. 44.
860 1861 Canada Census, Murray Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Enum. Dist. 2, p. 17. Bookhout, Henry, born: U.C., religion: W.M., Residence: Cramahe, 18 yrs old, single, male non-family member, living with Fall family.
861 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 030173. of twins Ezary & Edwin indicates residence of informant (Harry Bookhout) as Crysler.
862 Union Publishing Company, Morrey's (Farmers & Business) Directory - 1885-1886 (Ingersoll: Vol. I), Stormont County, p. 278.
863 Union Publishing Company, Morrey's (Farmers & Business) Directory 1899 (Ingersoll: Vol. XI), Finch Twp, Stormont Co., p. A429.
864 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 031810. indicates Margaret was born Nov. 4, 1843.
865 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 031810.
866 Library & Archives Canada, 1911 Canada Census (Ottawa, Ont., Canada: Library & Archives Canada, 2007), Berwick Village, Finch Twp, Stormont Co., Ont., Dist. 122, Sub Dist. 14, p. 10.
867 Vicki Ouderkirk Family Tree, provides birth, marriage and death information.
868 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. #014566. Edward W. Van Dusen, widower, 46 years, born & residing at Smiths Falls, Carpenter & Emma Bookhout, widow, 48 years, born Berwick, residing at Chesterville, married at Chesterville, Dundas Co., Ont. on Oct 1, 1913.
869 Maple Ridge Cemetery (Dundas Co., Ontario), Emma U. Ouderkirk marker, Gravestone Viewed Online, 22 Feb. 2012; Isaiah Ouderkirk born Feb. 11, 1858 died Jan. 22, 1911 Edward W. Van Dusen born Mar. 30, 1865 died Jan. 6, 1929 his wife Emma U. Ouderkirk born Nov. 7, 1863 [no death date inscribed]
870 Maple Ridge Cemetery (Dundas Co., Ontario), Isaiah Ouderkirk marker, Gravestone Viewed Online, 22 Feb. 2012; Isaiah Ouderkirk born Feb. 11, 1858 died Jan. 22, 1911 Edward W. Van Dusen born Mar. 30, 1865 died Jan. 6, 1929 his wife Emma U. Ouderkirk born Nov. 7, 1863 [no death date inscribed]
871 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. Oct 1, 1913. for Emma and second husband, Edward Van Dusen.
872 1901 Canada Census, Winchester Twp, Dundas Co., Ont., Sub. G-1, Sch. 1, p. 4.
873 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 032621. of daughter, Margaret Lydia.
874 Maple Ridge Cemetery (Dundas Co., Ontario), Edward W. Van Dusen marker, Gravestone Viewed Online, 22 Feb. 2012; Isaiah Ouderkirk born Feb. 11, 1858 died Jan. 22, 1911 Edward W. Van Dusen born Mar. 30, 1865 died Jan. 6, 1929 his wife Emma U. Ouderkirk born Nov. 7, 1863 [no death date inscribed]
875 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 013585.
876 Cemetery Inscriptions, Berwick Cemetery, Finch Twp, Stormont Co. from gravestone picture taken by Vicki Ouderkirk in September 2002.
877 1901 Canada Census, Ops Township, Victoria Co., Ont., Sub. F-3, Sch. 1, p. 1. indicates Sarah's date of birth as May 29, 1868.
878 Vicki Ouderkirk Family Tree, provides marriage information.
879 1901 Canada Census, Ops Township, Victoria Co., Ont., Sub. F-3, Sch. 1, p. 1. indicates William's birth date as April 10, 1851.
880 1901 Canada Census, Ops Township, Victoria Co., Ont., Sub. F-3, Sch. 1, p. 1.
881 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 013579. aged 7 yrs 9 mos at death.
882 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 013579.
883 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 013580.
884 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 020115.
885 1901 Canada Census, Finch Twp, Stormont Co., Ont., Sub District C-4, p. 5.
886 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 011952. indicates Elizabeth A. Walsh.
887 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 030569 - for surname spelling.
888 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 011952.
889 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 030569.
890 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 030173. Indicates that Edwin & Ezary are twins.
891 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 030173. indicates that Edwin & Ezary are twins.
892 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 032624.
893 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 016931.
894 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 024235.
895 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, p. 41, Marriage Register 1836 - 1869.
896 1881 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub. Div. A-2, p. 34. Keeler, Adlade [sic], age 36 yrs, married, German, Episcopal Methodist.
897 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, p. 41-42. Bridegroom: James Keeler, age 21, residing Cramahe, born Cramahe, parents: Martin & Mrs. Keeler, Bride: Adeline Bookhout, age 16, residing Cramahe, born Cramahe, parents: Henry & Mrs. Bookhout, witnesses: Peter & Sarah More, residing Cramahe, date of marriage: Dec. 17, 1861, by Joshua Webster, Minister of the ME Church in Canada.
898 1901 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. E-3, p. 10. Provides James' date of birth as Dec. 13, 1836.
899 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008816. Second marriage to Emma Jane Ellis provides birth place as Colborne, parents as Martin & Susanna Keeler.
900 Hilton Methodist Episcopal Church, Parish Records - Methodist Episcopal Church - Hilton, Brighton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. - Marriage Register 1836-1869, p. 41, Marriage Register 1836 - 1869. Indicates James was born in Cramahe and was residing in same place when married to Adeline Bookhout, Dec. 17, 1861.
901 Death Certificate, Ontario Reg. # 022465.
902 Burial Records.
903 Cemetery Inscriptions, Shiloh Cemetery, Cramahe Twp. Provides year of birth as 1838.
904 1871 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub A-2, p. 46.
905 1851 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., p. 47.
906 1861 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., p. 39. James is 21 yrs old in this census.
907 J.R. Sutherland, Compiler, Gazetteer & Bus. Directory (Northumberland & Durham) 1865-6 (Messrs. Sutherland & Co. Publishers, Woodstock, C.W.), p. 45.
908 1871 Canada Census, Agricultural Section, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub A-2, p. 10. Schedule No. 4 - Return of Cultivated Land.
909 1881 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub. Div. A-2, p. 34.
910 1891 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub District E, p. 20.
911 Birth Certificate, for Clarence Keeler, Ont Reg. # 901869.
912 Union Publishing Company, Morrey's (Farmer & Business) Directory 1896 (Ingersoll: Vol. IX), Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., p. 76.
913 1901 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub Dist. E-3, p. 3.
914 Union Publishing Company, Morrey's (Farmer & Business) Directory 1908 - 1909, Vol. XV, p. 296.
915 1911 Census of Canada, Ontario, district 64 Durham, sub-district 4, Darlington Twp, p. 4, dwelling 39, family 39, James Keeler; RG 31; Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario; James Keeler, Lot 5, Conc. 3, male, head, married, born Dec 1837, age 73, born Ontario, English, Canadian, Holiness [?] Meth., Farmer, working on own acount, reads & writes, speaks English; Emma J. Keeler, female, wife, married, born Nov. 1871, age 39, born Ontario, English, Canadian, Methodist; Clarence D. Keeler, male, son, single, born July 1894, age 16, born Ontario, English, Canadian, Methodist.
916 Death Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 025826. of son, Niram Elbert Richardson, indicates father's name as Thomas Osgood Richardson.
917 Marriage Certificate, Ontario Reg. #008274.
918 Marriage Certificate, Ontario Registry, # 008274. Birth Date comes from the 1901 Ontario Census for Brighton Village.
919 Hilda Avery Habart Family Information.
920 Susan Bergeron, Cemetery Inscriptions, Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Kawartha Branch OGS, Transcribed December 30, 1992), p. 17. with date of interment from Obituary Notice, The Brighton Ensign Newspaper, Oct. 26, 1928, p.5.
921 1871 Canada Census, Haldimand Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub Dist. C-3, p. 1.
922 1891 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub Dist. E, p. 22.
923 1901 Canada Census, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co., Ont., District 95, p. 11-12.
924 Death Certificate, Sask. Reg., Record No. 1613, 1936. the birth date on the registration is "Jan. 12, 1869" but the age listed is 69 yrs, 2 mos. and 5 days. Since her sister Emma was definitively born in June 1869, it seems more likely the year of birth was recorded erroneously and the age is correct, which would place her birth in 1867 not 1869.
925 Death Certificate, Sask. Reg., Record No. 1613, 1936.
926 Death Certificate, Sask. Reg., Record No. 1613, 1936. indicates Nettie was buried in Lloydminster.
927 Parish Records - St. Peter's Anglican Church - Cobourg, Ont, Marriage Record.
928 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008046.
929 1871 Canada Census, Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. A-1, p. 69-70. for birth location.
930 Death Certificate, Alberta Reg. # 2396 of year 1928. provides birth location as Colbourg, Ontario (spelled as Coulburg, Ont.).
931 Death Certificate, Alberta Reg. # 2396 of year 1928.
932 1901 Canada Census, Rossland, B.C., Yale & Cariboo, Kootenay West, Sub Dist. H-19, Sch. 1, p. 8.
933 1916 Canada Census, Red Deer, Alberta, Sub Dist. 18, p. 14. Frank & Nettie Jaynes, with son Frederick, appear living in Stettler, owning/working in a Bakery.
934 1871 Canada Census, Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. A-1, p. 69-70.
935 1891 Canada Census, Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub Dist. D-1, p. 14.
936 Sessional Paper of the BC Government 1899, BC Voters List 1898 (Extracted by Hugh Armstrong, published at BC Gen Web).
937 Death Certificate, Alberta Reg. # 2396 of year 1928. provides information that Frank Jaynes' regular residence was " 2 or 7 (can't decipher) miles north of Stettler, Alta".
938 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1938-09-548024. Lists deceased as Emily Edith Edna Avery, dau. of James Keeler and Adeline Bookout, born June 4, 1869, Ontario.
939 1901 Canada Census, Golden, B.C., Kootenay Easy, Dist. 5 Yale Cariboo, Sub D-2, p. 6.
940 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1938-09-548024.
941 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1938-09-548024. Lists deceased as Emily Edith Edna Avery, nee Keeler.
942 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008809.
943 Birth Certificate.
944 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1952-09-005179.
945 1891 Canada Census, Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., C-3, p. 1.
946 Birth Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1900-09-281451, of daughter Clara Avery.
947 1871 England Census, Hennard Mill, Germansweek, Devon, Enum. Dist. 4, Supt Reg Dist: Okehampton, Reg. Sub Dist: Bratton Clovelly, p. 32. William is listed as 9 mos. old in this census.
948 1881 England Census, Hennard Mill, Germansweek, Devon, RG11/2222, Enum. Dist. 4, Supt Reg Dist: Okehampton, p. 28.
949 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 022424 - of son, William Avery Jr.
950 Death Certificate, of William Avery (Jr.), Ont. Reg. # 017731.
951 Burial Records, Found at: http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyorlean/newstjok.htm. Compiled by Sharon A. Kerridge.
952 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives), http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyorlean/ga1900K.htm & Jim Keeler Family Tree.
953 1900 US Census (Washington, DC: National Archives).
954 Death Certificate, Manitoba Reg. # 4678393.
955 1891 Canada Census, Seymour Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub District i-1, p. 5. middle name "Alberta or Albertha" noted in record.
956 1891 Canada Census, Seymour Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub District i-1, p. 5. middle name "Elizabeth" noted in record.
957 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 012932.
958 1901 Canada Census, Seymour Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div 1-8, p. 5.
959 Bonnie Jackson Family Tree.
960 1901 Canada Census, Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. D-1, p. 3.
961 Wanda Sinclair Family Tree.
962 Kawartha Branch, OGS, Cemetery Inscriptions, Union Cemetery, Cobourg, Hamilton Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. (1982), p. 28.
963 Wanda Sinclair Family Tree, full name listed as John Darcy PARKER.
964 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 009108.
965 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 027756, of daughter, Mildred Adeline Parker.
966 Library & Archives Canada, 1911 Canada Census (Ottawa, Ont., Canada: Library & Archives Canada, 2007), Victoria, BC, Dist. 13, Sub Dist. 4, p. 23. Keeler, Austin R., residence: 856 Pandora Ave., born: May 1880, Ont.
967 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1916-09-033451.
968 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1971-09-007958, indicates the mother's surname as "Whitaker".
969 Marriage Certificate, Pacific County, WA, Reg. # 386.
970 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1971-09-007958.
971 Marriage Certificate, Alberta Reg #: 15-1594-0344C. indicates birth location.
972 1901 Canada Census, Banff, Alberta, Sub District F-1, p. 2. lists Jessie's birth date as Aug. 8, 1881.
973 Death Certificate, San Mateo Co., CA, #3-1968-00764.
974 Marriage Certificate, Alberta Reg #: 15-1594-0344C.
975 Death Certificate, California records indicate Issac's birth date was Jan. 20, 1867 and he was born in Canada.
976 1871 Canada Census, Rainham Twp, Haldimand Co., Ont., Div. 2, p. 1. indicates Isaac was born in Ontario.
977 Death Certificate, San Francisco, CA.
978 1901 Canada Census, Banff, Alberta, Sub District F-1, p. 2. Isaac's birth is given as Jan. 20, 1870 in U.S.
979 1901 Canada Census, Banff, Alberta, Sub District F-1, p. 2.
980 1930 US Census, San Francisco, CA, Enum. Dist. #100, Roll 198, Sheet 3B.
981 1881 Canada Census, Rainham, Haldimand Co., Ont., District 146, Sub District B, p. 31.
982 1871 Canada Census, Rainham Twp, Haldimand Co., Ont., Div. 2, p. 1.
983 1901 Canada Census, Banff, Alberta.
984 Death Certificate, San Francisco, CA. lists usual residence as 159 Lee Ave., also place of death.
985 Military Records - WWI, Canadian Expeditionary Forces, Reg. No. 419167. Joseph's birth was provided as Sept. 14, 1884 in Brighton, Ont.
986 Queen of Heaven Cemetery (Los Angeles, CA), order for interment of Joseph F. Keeler, May 16, 1967; Interment #6549: Sect'n E, Grave 93, Depth B, Tier T22; Joseph F. Keeler, male, b. Sept. 14, 1884, d. Apr. 27, 1967, bur. May 16, 1967, place of birth: Northumberland, ON., Canada, place of death: L.A. County, Remarks: Charity grave buried by L.A. County
987 Social Security Index, SS#: 563-20-6567.
988 Death Certificate, Los Angeles Co., CA Reg. # 7097-021984.
989 Military Records - WWI, Canadian Expeditionary Forces, Reg. No. 419167. Joseph enlisted as "Joseph Keeler" however in the file seems to have changed his name to "Joseph (Joe) Wilson".
990 1925 US State Census, Polk Co., Iowa, Population Schedule, Des Moines, dwelling 811, line 17, Naomi Anderson; digital images, Ancestry.com Operations Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com); Naomi Anderson, head of household, widow, b. Iowa, age 30 yrs; father: Rasmus Storesund, b. Norway, age 70 yrs; mother: Emma Hagaleen, b. Sweden, age 64 yrs.
991 Nebraska Dept of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Marriage Certificate 1912 5089 (1912), Wilson-Storesund; Joseph Wilson of Fremont, Nebr; age 26 yrs; White; born: New York; Father: James Wilson & Mother: Adeline Bouchout [sic] married Naoma [sic] Storesund of Fremont, Nebr; age 18 yrs; White; born: Iowa; Father: Rasmus Storesund & Mother: Emma Hageleen, in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska on Oct. 15, 1912 by Rev. Charles W. Savidge.
992 1925 US State Census, Polk Co., Iowa, Population Schedule, Des Moines, dwelling 811, line 17, Ralph Wilson; digital images, Ancestry.com Operations Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com); Ward 7; #811 E 12th St; Ralph Wilson, "Place of marriage of Parents of Person Enumerated: Omaha, Nebraska," is indicated
993 1920 U.S. census, Polk Co., Iowa, population schedule, Des Moines, Ward 7, enumeration district (ED) 165, sheet 3B, dwelling 75; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T625, roll 509; Joseph Wilson household, Naomi is listed as 25 yrs old born in Iowa, placing her birth about 1895
994 Nebraska Dept of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Marriage Certificate 1912 5089 (1912), Wilson-Storesund; Date of License: Oct. 14, 1912; License Number: 30670
995 1920 U.S. census, Polk Co., Iowa, population schedule, Des Moines, Ward 7, enumeration district (ED) 165, sheet 3B, dwelling 75; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T625, roll 509; Joseph Wilson household
996 1925 US State Census, Polk Co., Iowa, Population Schedule, Des Moines, dwelling 811, line 17, Naomi Anderson; digital images, Ancestry.com Operations Inc., Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com); Ward 7; #811 E 12th St; Naomi Anderson, head of household, widow, b. Iowa, age 30 yrs; father: Rasmus Storesund, b. Norway, age 70 yrs; mother: Emma Hagaleen, b. Sweden, age 64 yrs. Ralph Wilson, son, b. Nebraska, age 10 yrs; father: Joseph Wilson, b. New York, age 36 yrs; parents married: Omaha, Neb.
997 Polk Co., Iowa, Marriage Register, 1845-1926, 14, Keeler-Hagenmier; FHL microfilm 1,014,490, item 25085; Affidavit from Lenora Hall, Date of License: 28 Oct. 1910 - Groom: Keeler, Joseph, Residing: Albion, NY, Occupation: Cafe Business, Age next birthday: 27 years, Color: White, Race: American, Marriage: First, Birth place: Albion, NY, Father: James Keeler, Mother: Adeline Bookout. Bride: Hagenmier, Etta, Residing: St. Louis, MO, Age next birthday: 24 years, Color: White, Race: German, Marriage: First, Birth place: Reneault, IL, Father: Charles Hagenmier, Mother: Melinda Franklin. Married at Des Moines, Iowa on Oct. 28, 1910; Witnesses: E.M. Lovell & Lenora Hall by James A. Howe, Judge; Date of Return: Nov. 8, 1910.
998 1901 Canada Census, Golden, B.C., Kootenay East, Sub District D-2, p. 4. Provides Robert's birthdate as Feb. 16, 1852.
999 1881 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. 2, Sub A, p. 28.
1000 1891 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Div. E-3, p. 18.
1001 1901 Canada Census, Golden, B.C., Kootenay East, Sub District D-2, p. 4.
1002 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 022614. of son, Willet H. Bookhout, indicates residence in Cramahe Twp.
1003 Marriage Certificate, Ont., Libre: 13, Folio: # 298.
1004 Death Certificate, of Amelia Moore.
1005 1901 Canada Census, Golden, B.C., Kootenay East, Sub District D-2, p. 9.
1006 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1915-09-172021.
1007 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 008670.
1008 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1923-09-324963.
1009 1901 Canada Census, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Sub E-5, p. 2.
1010 Sharon Dodds et. al, Cemetery Inscriptions, Castleton Cemetery, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Kawartha Branch OGS, Transcribed 1992), p. 24.
1011 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 011556.
1012 Library & Archives Canada, 1911 Canada Census (Ottawa, Ont., Canada: Library & Archives Canada, 2007), Castleton Village, Cramahe Twp, Northumberland Co., Ont., Dist. 101, Sub Dist. 6, p. 1.
1013 Death Certificate, Reg. # 61-09-001165.
1014 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 019971. birth date is indicated as February 11, 1878 instead of February 17th.
1015 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1961-09-001165.
1016 Death Certificate, of Wesley R. Bookhout. shows name spelled as Choluja.
1017 Marriage Certificate, Manitoba Reg. # 1904-06-002394. shows surname as Cholus.
1018 Death Certificate, of daughter Nellie Bookhout. shows name spelled as Choluja.
1019 Marriage Certificate, Manitoba Reg. # 1904-06-002394. of Nellie & Robert Bookhout shows surname spelled as Cholus.
1020 Death Certificate, of daughter Nellie Bookhout. shows last name of mother as Barton.
1021 Marriage Certificate, Manitoba Reg. # 1904-06-002394. of Robert & Nellie Bookhout indicates mother's name was Margaret Ellen.
1022 Marriage Certificate, Manitoba Reg. # 1904-06-002394.
1023 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1942-09-603731. indicates birthplace as Holland.
1024 Marriage Certificate, Manitoba Reg. # 1904-06-002394. indicates birth place as Prussia.
1025 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1942-09-603731.
1026 B.C. Cemetery Finding Aid, BC Reg. # 1942-09-603731 Death Certificate.
1027 1906 Canada Census, Edmonton, Alberta, Dist. 20, Sub Dist. 27a, p. 63.
1028 Marriage Certificate, BC Reg. # 1918-09-193506.
1029 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 022614.
1030 Marriage Certificate, BC Reg. # 1918-09-193506. Rosa's age 17 yrs at marriage, placing birth abt. 1901, and location as Little Current, Ontario.
1031 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1975-09-013632.
1032 Birth Certificate, of son William C. King, B.C. Reg. # 1879-09-003219.
1033 Birth Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1879-09-003219.
1034 Death Certificate, BC Reg. # 1958-09-004917.
1035 Marriage Certificate, BC Reg # 1906-09-162766.
1036 Marriage Certificate, BC Reg. # 1906-09-162766.
1037 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. #1968-09-012927.
1038 Marriage Certificate, BC Reg. # 1908-09-162676.
1039 Jana Robertson Family Tree.
1040 Death Certificate, B.C. Reg. # 1955-09-008295.
1041 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 013784. Jan. 5, 1887: John Bennett Campbell, age 25, residing Toronto, born Garafraxa, Bachelor, Baker, Parents: John & Francis; married: Annie Bookhout, age 23, residing Toronto, born Chrama [Cramahe], Spinster, Parents: Henry & Abigail. Witnesses to the event were James Allen & Louie Campbell of Toronto. The marriage, via license, took place at Toronto, Ont. with Thomas Griffith officiating. Bride and groom both listed as Methodist.
1042 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 039928. of daughter, Frances Louise Campbell, born March 11, 1892.
1043 1901 Canada Census, Orangeville, Centre Wellington, Ont., Sub Dist. H-4, p. 9.
1044 Marriage Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 013784. provides birth location as Grafaxa, Ont.
1045 1901 Canada Census, Orangeville, Centre Wellington, Ont., Sub Dist. H-4, p. 9. provides birth date as May 17, 1863.
1046 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 039928.
1047 Birth Certificate, Ont. Reg. # 011237.
1048 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Jane [Blizard], m. James A. Bulyea, March 29, 1838.
1049 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), MC3047, Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas Notes, MS2B, Item #7, "Children of John Bookhout and Phebe Wright". Jane [Blizard], m. James A. Bulyea, March 29, 1838. They had a son George H.V. Bulyea, Lt. Gov. of Alberta, d. July 1928.
1050 NB Genealogical Society, First Families - Genealogies at the New Brunswick Archives (Sixth Edition: January 2006), The New Brunswick "First Families" archive records, Manscript Collection (MC3047), MS2D, Item 5 Donald P. Wright fonds, Chester Lucas notes - "Miscellaneous Records". William J. Bookhout and Phoebe Porter, married March 20, 1844.
1051 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 10 1842-1845, p. 100. "New Brunswick Courier," Mar. 23, 1844; #1743 m. Petersborough [Petersville?] Queens Co., 20th inst., by Rev. A. Wood, William J. BOOKHOUT of this city (St. John) / Miss Phoebe PORTER of former place; Same time, by same, Henry Blizard / Miss Mary Jane Porter.
1052 D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 13 1850-1852 (St. John, N.B.: 1986), p. 97. "New Brunswick Courier," Nov. 1851; #1671 d. This morn., Sarah Helen second d/o William J. BOOKHOUT, age 3 years.
D.F. Johnson, Vital Statistics from New Brunswick Newspapers Vol. 14 1852-1854 (St. John, N.B.: 1986), p. 159. "New Brunswick Courier," May 27, 1854; #2950 d. 20th inst., William James s/o William J. BOOKHOUT and Phoebe BOOKHOUT.
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